I’d like your thoughts on this article in the Skwawkbox today. It suggests that Lansman has been advising members of the Wavertree constituency not to deselect their MP, Luciana Berger, because he’s known her for some time and because he thinks she is “pliable”.
This directly contradicts Momentum’s position on open selection and seems to be highly unusual behaviour for a member of the NEC. It also suggests that Lansman is not particularly concerned about the issues faced by ordinary members and appears to be more interested in consolidating support for his own authority and advancement within the Labour Party.
I think it’s no secret that I’ve had my concerns about Lansman for some time but I am open minded and would like to be persuaded differently. However, so far, everything I’ve observed about the man has convinced me that he is a serious threat to the grass roots left.
Your thoughts please?
Let’s get behind this comrades?
No one wants to see Momentum start to lose support because of the actions of a few people at the top table. Let’s do what we can to empower grass roots members and help them to democratise decision making within the movement. Seems to me, making Momentum democratic and accountable is the only way to ensure its longevity and increase its influence?
In Solidarity, always!
Koser Saeed