So, after 51 years of unbroken membership, surcharged for carrying out party policy, being a councillor, including leader, of various local authorities, for suffering financial hardships as a result, I no longer am wanted in the party I have relentlessly campaigned for…

My crime?

Simply joining and supporting victimised comrades!

Wasn’t even allowed to attend the ‘hearing’ that decided my fate!

So, obviously, if you are a scab who destroyed any chance of government, thus giving us this VILE Tory government, if you cross picket lines, THE WELCOME MAT IS THERE!

Not exactly devastated, though!”

Notice of Termination of Membership of the Labour Party

We write to inform you that a panel of the National Executive Committee (the NEC Panel) met on08 February 2022 to consider allegations that you had committed a Prohibited Act pursuant to Chapter 2, Clause I.5 of the Labour Party Rule Book (the Rules)i.

We have set out the findings of the NEC Panel below.

The NEC Panel had regard to your representations submitted and received on 26 January 2022.

Allegation 1: Support for Labour in Exile Network (2021-2022 Upheld

The NEC Panel found that on 03 March 2021, you joined the Facebook Group “Labour in Exile Network Group” and that on 06 October 2021, you posted a link in that Facebook Group.The NEC Panel noted that this was not in dispute.

The NEC Panel considered that this amounted, in their opinion, to the sort of support for LabourIn Exile Network that is prohibited by Chapter 2, Clause I.5.B.v of the Labour Party Rule Book.

Consequently, your membership of the Labour Party (the Party) stands terminated. You are no longer entitled to attend any Party meetings or to exercise any other rights associated with membership of the Party.

You have the right to appeal this decision on the grounds set out at Chapter 2, Clause I.6 of the Labour Party Rule Book ii.

Should you wish to do so please submit any appeal within 14 days of the date of this letter, in writing to the address at the top of this letter, or by email [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Disputes Team

Governance and Legal Unit

The Labour Party”

John Dunn

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