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HomeDorset NorthLet's go toxic: Fracking and Freud

Let’s go toxic: Fracking and Freud

Prime Minister

Such fun reading the news this morning, and watching the posts appearing
on Facebook about the attempts to pressure the OPEC countries into
curbing their output.  Now, why would OPEC want to do that, and why are
the neolibs in your government and elsewhere getting so worked up?

Could it be that the OPEC people are not willing to allow your friends’
dirty little property-destroying venture into the extraction of
shale-locked oil a chance to breathe?  Certainly, if I was living in a
place where oil was my primary source of income, and if I had the
capacity to absorb massive price reductions without breaking a sweat, I
would be working hard to deny fracking operations any chance of
competing as well.  After all, what’s the alternative?  Camel trading
has been pretty much sewn up by the Bedouin now.

The thing is, Prime Minister, is that what they’re doing is called
“fending off a potential competitor in the free market economy” which
kind of economy is something that you and your government are big on
promoting.  The thing that you haven’t bothered to consider, apparently,
is that anyone, anywhere, can operate such a system. Anyone.  Anywhere. 
That includes established oil suppliers in hot, sandy countries, and if
what they’re doing means that people like Gidiot’s daddy-in-law and a
certain Machiavellian lord end up losing their entire fortunes because
they bet their shirts on fracking at the wrong time, then that’s the
risk inherent in the system. There’s always shelf-stacking in Tesco that
disenfranchised frackers will be able to do on Workfare (if Tesco
doesn’t collapse after it finishes paying the fines that it’ll be hit
with for trying to defraud its shareholders and selling customer data
illegally, that is.)

It looks very much to me that you’ve finally come up against two
situations where you are going to have to accept that you are not going
to be allowed to have everything your own way.  Make sure no-one has a
long lens on you when you all throw your individual tantrums, won’t you,
because seeing adults lose it in public is such a cringeworthy
experience?  It would probably sting less if someone had bothered to
educate you and your friends in the art of decency and sharing at an
earlier stage of your life, but them’s the breaks, right?  So, you can’t
have guaranteed free movement of people between Spain and Gibraltar if
you’re going to insist on the restriction of their movement between the
European mainland and the UK, and you can’t stop people in the oil world
doing unto you before you do unto them.  Deal with it or quit, because
all you are doing is showing the whole world what a collection of
spoiled little toffee-nosed twerps you really are.

Anyway, because so very many UK citizens object incredibly strongly to
the idea of having unidentified chemicals and other crap left sitting
under our homes if the frackers get their way and actually manage to get
started, I have to go on record as shouting very loudly, “Yay!! Go OPEC!!”

I do soooo love karma, I really do.  Maybe the frackers should have
crowdfunded their operations from among your government’s manufactured
poor, because Lord Fraud did advise that the poor should take all the
risks because we have less to lose.  Just another example of how it’s a
waste of time giving advice to Tories because your kind never listen. 
You equate wealth with wisdom, which is why this country is in the
appalling state that it’s in.

How are all those nice policemen faring this morning, guarding the grass
in Parliament Square, by the way?  Has anyone tried to pinch any yet, or
driven a herd of goats onto it?  I wonder what crimes against property
are going uninvestigated while they protect your shit-scared government
from all those dangerously non-violent extremist protesters outside your
slowly collapsing Gothic shed.  Do the corrupt London Met have a plan
ready to use yet, to instigate some aggro, like they usually do?  The
“nick the protesters’ tarpaulins” plan didn’t work, so what are they
going to do next? I’m sure the police would rather be chasing the
property-damaging criminals because, as they always have, crimes against
property carry far more severe penalties than civil disobedience ever
will. Ask any property tycoon which activity they would prefer to see
the police pursuing, and I guarantee that guarding a patch of scruffy,
ill-maintained lawn won’t be the answer that you receive.

Oh, and you really need to look into the abuse of the charity Gift Aid
system that is being practiced.  Gift Aid isn’t meant for investment in
overseas money markets or the arms trade, you know – it’s meant to help
registered charities use the money they have to carry out their stated
function to the maximum extent of their resources.  I’m sure that every
law-abiding taxpayer, whose money funds that Gift Aid, will agree with
me on this matter.

You could also sack Freud for his recorded stated intention to look into
possible ways to breach the Equalities Act.


Darren Lynch

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