I genuinely could not have summarised it any better.

What is actually occurring?

New research published in 2022 reveals that 90,000 people die in poverty in the UK each year.

The report published by end-of-life charity Marie Curie and based on research carried out by Loughborough University revealed that people of working age are at a high risk, with more than 1 in 4 (28%) of this group dying in poverty.

This makes those who die at working age more than twice as likely to die in poverty than those who live past pension age.

The risk rises steeply for parents with dependent children, with two out of three facing poverty toward the end of their lives if they die before retirement age.

Marie Curie’s report, Dying in Poverty: Examining poverty at the end of life in the UK, also shows how women and people from minority ethnic groups are particularly vulnerable to poverty at the end of life.

The data says 28% of working age women who die spend the end of their life in poverty. This rises to a shamefully high 42% among working age people from minority ethnic groups.

Analysis of the UK’s nations shows that people in Wales are at more risk of dying in poverty than

in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

When comparing local authorities, the research highlights that people living in urban areas such as London and Birmingham, along with areas in the North East and North West of England, are at a higher risk of spending their last year of life in poverty. (https://www.lboro.ac.uk/news-events/news/)

Given this the responses by fat cats, for example the Royal Mail bosses, may be better off being silent too.

In fact silence is actually so much more honest than the waffle and lies they keep bamboozling those who want to be bamboozled with.

Douglas James

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