Music lovers cannot fail to be uplifted by the aural delight that is klezmer,a Jewish musical tradition originating from Eastern Europe which originally consisted largely of celebratory dance tunes and instrumental pieces.Be transported with the London Klezmer Quartet, who paint a picture in music and words of the joys and sorrows of a world that crosses cultural boundaries and continents. Moving audiences swiftly from dancing (which they lead, if the moment demands it) to tears; the all-female group plays lively and soulful Jewish wedding music – both traditional tunes and new melodies that they have written themselves. Featuring some the most in-demand performers on the UK klezmer scene, the LKQ provides a unique combination of artistry and exuberance, having individually and collectively performed at many of the UK’s best-known music venues and festivals, as well as around Europe and Australia.
This very special musical experience features classically-trained Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), Susi Evans (clarinet), Carol Isaacs (accordion), and Indra Buraczewska (double bass). Theirdeep understanding of klezmer is reflected in their exuberant, passionate and accomplished performances that captivate audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Artsreach are pleased to bring them back to Dorset this summer.
“The LKQ is made up of four of Europe’s most talented klezmer musicians. They are great performers and teachers and bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and excitement to their performances.” Frank London, The Klezmatics
Thur 25 April, 7:30pm. Chetnole Village Hall 01935 873555
Sat 27 April, 7:30pm. Morden Village Hall 01929 459431
If you haven’t enough room to include individual box office numbers it would be very much appreciated if you could either include Artsreach’s number or website: 01305 269512 / so that readers can find out more. If an interview with the group would be of interest, please don’t hesitate to contact me