I am hearing more and more hateful rhetoric these days. The Tory plan of vilifying and scapegoating the most vulnerable in society is obviously working. I’ve raised my voice and expressed my anger and frustration for a few years now on social media. And I’m sick of it. I’m sick of feeling sad for those people who need our love and support the most. Nothing has changed for the better, rather, it has only got worse.
Here’s where I could ream off a list of atrocities committed by this Government (such as rolling out the red carpet again for the Saudis today, with no apparent regard for their horrific human rights record, nor the fact that they are selling billions of pounds worth of arms to the Saudis, and Saudi Arabia being the biggest funder of terrorism in the world, and our bombs sold to Saudi currently causing death, despair and misery to innocent families, children in Yemen).
But (other than that)…. I won’t. I’ve repeated myself ad infinitum. I’ve said it all before. To actually give a shit and try to make a difference, to defend our NHS, to stand up for the homeless, the poverty striken, the sick and disabled abused by the system that was designed to protect them…..to expose the truth behind the MSM lies. The recent establishment Corbyn ‘Commie Spy’ smear campaign being a case in point.
So I walk away a while. Maybe for as long as it takes for the next GE, then I will fire up.
There are plans to be made, and a wonderful partner, to love and be loved by. We are now 8 years strong and he stands by me through thick and thin, and brings me oases of happiness when I am with him, who makes me laugh ’til my face aches and I cannot breathe. We both look at each other and we both know without speaking that we have an imperative to leave this country when the time is right. That time will come, I may have to wait a few more years, but it will come. There really is little to love about this country now….that is the sad truth.
And I draw pleasure from the certainty that these hate filled, racist, faithist, anti-immigrant and homophobic bigots have no idea of what true love is, for if they did, then they would hold no hatred in their hearts for the meek and vulnerable. Let them rot in their bitterness and hate, let them drown in their spite and misery, because history proves over and over again, that to allow bigotry to proliferate in society, only ends in abject horror for everybody, and that will include them. Let their low intelligence drag them down into the gutter where they truly belong, alongside the rotting carcasses of rodents, used condoms, fermenting faeces and stale stinking piss.
Leading onto this video. The power of the image we present, and how a new image can humanise the homeless, when before they were just garbage in the street, left to die by the neoliberal quasi-fascism system that has hijacked our once beacon light of democracy.
What an extraordinary person this hairdresser is, and I find it truly stunning that just a haircut can have such a powerful message. If you don’t see it, then you are truly lost.
Love to all you good people.
Eddy Abs