A Weymouth man has been jailed for a violent domestic assault at a home in the town.
Jethro Cray-Morris, aged 45 and of Lennox Street, was found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent at Bournemouth Crown Court on Tuesday 10 December 2024. He was sentenced at the same court on Friday 17 January 2025 to 21 years in prison.
At 11.09am on Sunday 11 February 2024, Dorset Police received a report from the ambulance service that a man aged in his 60s had sustained a serious head injury and required medical treatment at an address in Lennox Street.
Officers attended with the ambulance service and located the defendant’s husband – who he was separated from – unconscious with multiple injuries. He sustained multiple injuries including a traumatic brain injury, fractured ribs and clavicle, two very swollen black eyes and extensive bruising.
The defendant provided conflicting accounts about how the victim sustained his injuries, first stating that the victim had returned home from a night out already injured, before then saying that he found him injured inside the flat.
Cray-Morris was subsequently arrested in connection with the incident.
An examination of the home address was carried out, which revealed evidence of recent cleaning at the scene. There was blood staining in the sink and shower, as well as blood-stained clothing located within the washing machine.
Analysis of the defendant’s mobile phone revealed an image of the victim’s injuries was taken at around 9am on the morning of Sunday 11 February 2024 and an attempt was made to call a carpet cleaning company at 10.18am, around 50 minutes before the incident was reported to the ambulance service.
Detective Constable Liam Moss, of Dorset County CID, said: “The horrific actions of Cray-Morris have had a significant lasting impact on both the physical and mental wellbeing of the victim.
“I am very grateful to the victim for his support with our investigation and ensuring his violent abuser has been put behind bars.
“The defendant’s behaviour was completely unacceptable – he allowed the victim to suffer over a prolonged period of time and did not seek immediate medical attention while instead making efforts to cover his own tracks.
“We want to make it very clear that we do not tolerate any form of abuse or violence and we are determined to see that anyone looking to offend in such a way is stopped and victims are supported.”
If you have been a victim of domestic abuse or you know someone who is being abused, please report it to Dorset Police, this can be done in confidence. If abuse is in progress and someone is in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise, please contact us at www.dorset.police.uk or by calling 101.
Crimes can also be reported anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their website at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.
For more information on help and advice around domestic abuse as well as details of agencies that can offer support visit www.dorset.police.uk/da.