As a Welsh Labour member, I, and everyone else, is very proud of Mark Drakeford. Mark is a proud Socialist, and it is no surprise he shares the values of Jeremy Corbyn, his friend. What Mark has clearly proven is that had Jeremy Corbyn been afforded the airtime to speak unedited, in his own words (as we saw in the 2017 GE campaign when the media thought Labour had no chance and so were ruthless, but not as ruthless) and lack of lies and propaganda (partly due to the complete arrogance of Westminster towards Wales-see the quote attributed to the Blair team here), things would have been very different in Westminster. Here in Wales we saw the results; the biggest ever election win for Labour in Wales since devolution. Mark was the main asset. It is absolutely NOT a coincidence!

Mark Drakeford – the anti-Boris Johnson who surprised us all | Richard Wyn Jones | The Guardian
After his handling of Covid, even hard-nosed colleagues marvel at the Welsh first minister’s popularity Last modified on Mon 6 Sep 2021 14.26 EDT There is a strong argument that the British …

Where Labour stood on a proud, proven Socialist platform in the May Local Elections, they won. Labour’s only successes were big-on a Socialist platform. The absolute, indesputable truth is that, as every poll shows for decades, Socialist/Social Democratic policies are exactly where the majority of the UK is. The majority of Europe, and even the USA. It is only when lies, mass propaganda, internal sabotage, Establishment panic etc are applied do we see things change. Or ONLY an option of Neo Liberalism or watered-down Neo Liberalism is on offer. That’s not a choice. Ask the French who had to choose between a war-mongering, racist, supposedly ‘liberal’ Neo liberal capitalist (a man STILL classed as ‘moderate’ & ‘liberal’???!!!) or a far right racist. You’ve seen the many protests over many years since…

A VERY conscious effort to deny everyone else what the post second world war citizens had up until the 1970s…and even today for the post-50 generation. But that should be a basic right. We are not interested in playing generations off against each other as the Tories and media always do, and of course we acknowledge & support the thousands not at all well-off in that generation. We are interested in getting a good, decent standard of living for ALL. Fully funded, nationalised public services. Given that the Tories have stolen parts of our last UK manifesto already, it shows just how popular these policies are. It is time to stop trying to re-write history, stop trying to decide for a population what narrow options they have, stop trying to deny the wishes of everyone under 55 and not a Daily Mail reader, stop trying to pretend what has demonstrably failed, spectacularly failed, is needed again. It is cowardly, it is wrong, it is anti-progressive and it is literally political, economic, environment and social suicide and murder. We cannot deny or negotiate with the end of human civilsation because someone thinks Rupert Murdoch will be angry.

So we stand with you Mark Drakeford. We stand with you Jeremy Corbyn. We stand with you ANY progressives willing to sacrifice so much of their lives through constant lies, physical and verbal abuse etc against them personally…all for US. ALL OF US. It’s time to stop accepting that this is ‘grown up, sensible’ politics and expose it for the complete lie and farce that it is. Because we literally cannot afford to humour it any more. We stand proud as Socialists, and we demand what we were promised. Hardly ‘radical’ is it…? 

Adam Samuels



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