Martyn Underhill, the Independent candidate standing for re-election as Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner on Thursday May 5, urged his opponents to come forward today, as he continues to be the only named candidate in the forthcoming PCC elections.
Mr Underhill, said: “We are less than 100 days away from the election for the whole of Dorset and I am still the only declared candidate. The Tories have failed in two selection meetings to find a candidate. Their meeting this Saturday (January 30) was cancelled because one of their two nominees pulled out and they haven’t even confirmed a new date.
“By this time in 2012, the Tories were delivering leaflets and campaigning, this time they can’t even choose my opponent. It’s not as if they haven’t had time. We have known this election was coming for nearly four years. In other areas they declared their Tory candidate four months ago. And then there is Labour – they say they are standing, but they still haven’t nominated anyone either.
“By the time the political parties get their candidates declared, the opportunity to debate the policies and manifestos will be gone. If you compare the position nationally, the political parties in Dorset stand out as ill prepared and in chaos. This situation illustrates why I have always taken the view that there is no place for party politics in policing.”
Mr Underhill also condemned one of his main critics, Ian Bellchamber, saying, “Mr Bellchamber has spent years campaigning to remove me, saying that he will eliminate alleged corruption, police waste and greed. He now has the chance to pursue his unfounded allegations and I look forward to seeing him declare soon as well.”
Mr Underhill said his campaign website and manifesto will be launched in a month’s time provided he has someone to stand against, adding: “We need an election. Of course it would be easier for me to stand unopposed but that is not good for democracy. The public have a right to hear the issues debated and to use that opportunity to inform their vote. Without another candidate, that opportunity is denied to them.”