One of the disadvantages of the West’s banning of Press TV, RT, is we fail to keep up with what is happening in the world. Significantly the following report stems from when the US catastrophically pulled out of Afghanistan in an ignominious fashion leaving behind Americans. 

It gives background on the repatriation of gold by first Germany and then many countries as the realisation  that the World’s Reserve Currency, the US dollar, is in fact a fiat currency.

Meantime the ties grow stronger in the BRICS  countries as many other nations such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey want to join. 

The US Dollar is a petro/currency but significantly,  as a result of the retreat from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia has made deals for protection with China and Russia. 

China has created the China Belt Road. The greatest infrastructure in the world made up of maritime routes, bridges, roads, railways. The Chinese Yuan is the currency of their trading with other BRICS  countries and they are demanding a new Breton Woods, to adopt the Chinese Yuan for the 75% of the world involved in the China Belt Road.

At the same time Russia has developed the Arctic route to China and India, using ice cutters, to give an alternative to the Adriatic Route under siege since the Ukraine Maidancoup in 2014 in Kiev.

Much more in this comprehensive report into the future for the US.  

Mollie Collins

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