The only reason the establishment goons and stooges bother is that they know the walking dead are gullible. The rest are already clued up as to the lies and propaganda but the walking dead are there for the taking.

The problem the goons and stooges have though is that those who know the reality are better placed. Truth always wins albeit, in many cases, it may take a while.

Mick Lynch and his comrades across the unions are tooled up with facts. Whereas their opponents do not like facts. They merely have agendas.

Thus the first real opportunity of 2023 yet again exposes the goons and stooges choking on their own bullsh**.

Let’s start with the Establishment BBC:

Verdict: A Knockout for Mick

Then on to probably the worst TV presenter and so called journalist on UK mainstream TV screens. Yep that man Madeley.

Verdict: Knockout in Round 1 for Mick.

It is scary how the worst informed journalists are being employed to feed the walking dead who continue to munch through the tissue and bones of utter shite with such vigour.

Douglas James

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