Louis Harris, 18, went missing in Weymouth after a night out with friends. He was last seen at 4.30am on Sunday 14 February 2016 outside the Harbour Master’s Office, on Custom House Quay.
Louis is white, about five feet ten inches tall and of slim build. He has brown short hair. When he was last seen, he was wearing a blue and white zipped hooded Le Coq Sportif top, a mainly white Fat Face checked shirt with a blue and red checked pattern, blue jeans and Vans shoes.
In their renewed appeal, his parents said: “Saturday 5 March 2016 is Louis’ 19th Birthday. He has been missing now for almost three weeks and each day that goes by without him is agonising for us.
“Please can we ask you to stop once again and think back to Valentine’s Weekend? Do you remember seeing Louis in Weymouth town centre, in the Rendezvous Nightclub, on the beach, or along Custom House Quay, where he was last seen?
“If you have any information, remember seeing anything unusual that night or think you may have seen Louis or any of his belongings since that night, please, please, call the police on 101.
“We miss Louis desperately and just want him back as soon as possible.”
Searches around Weymouth town centre, harbour and seafront have concluded, but enquiries are still continuing into Louis’ whereabouts.
Anyone with information about Louis’ whereabouts should call Dorset Police on 101 quoting incident number 14:188.