To say I am angry, sad, frustrated, and a whole load of other emotions would be an understatement.
My Dad is 93 and really struggling, has been for some time. But I was told by the Doctor to call 999, get him an ambulance to get to hospital as a priority. 4 Hours later and counting and 3 phone calls still no sign of an ambulance.
It saddens me big time to see my Dad struggling the way he is, pissed himself because he can’t get out of the chair, confused, tired, out of breathe, pale, cold with the heating on. All of which has been explained but we don’t have an ambulance, he is not high priority.
Not even close, I have tears in my eye’s writing this but no fucking TORY MP will give a fucking toss.
Kevin Hoad
Thank you all for you good wishes, he is now in hospital and to be fair he is being treated very good once there. It might be something simple like an infection causing his confusion and weakness.