A new food distribution centre has opened in Weymouth to help support the most vulnerable members of the community and anyone in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Located at St Edmund’s Church on Lanehouse Rocks Road, the foodbank has been set up to serve local people in Wyke, Lanehouse and Westham who may need extra help during the current crisis. Distribution is on Thursdays between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

Rev Brother Alasdair Kay of the Parish of Wyke Regissaid: “We hope this foodbank will only be necessary for a short time but we’re prepared to keep going as long it’s needed. It’s a project run by local volunteers for the benefit of the local community and therefore a good example of what we should all be aiming for in our uncertain future.”
Rob Cheeseman of Extinction Rebellion said: “This pandemic has caused extra financial hardship for many people and forced some volunteers to stay at home, causing increased pressure on existing foodbanks. The local Extinction Rebellion group have been able to provide people to support the church in setting up this new facility. Our hope is to relieve some of the pressure on the other foodbanks in town and reduce how far people need to travel to collect food.”
The project is supported by Dorset Council and Weymouth Town council who have been very helpful with advice and assistance.
To protect the public and volunteers and prevent the spread of the virus extra measures are being taken. Social distancing guidelines are fully in place during both distribution and donation days.
Food donations are gratefully received from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Tuesdays. To minimise face-to-face contactmoney donations are also very welcome. Details can be found on the parish website https://www.parishofwykeregis.org.uk/or directly via www.gofundme.com/f/st-edmunds-foodbank