Please consider objecting. If you do object, please check whether your objection has appeared and, if it hasn’t after 48 hours, please contact the Councils.
Please note people are reporting that the objections that they have made are not appearing on the site – certainly at least one was made more than 48 hours ago. Also, if you are not allowed to object once you put your address in, and you live in Dorset, as newborn intensive and high dependency care for the whole County will be at RBH so ALL Dorset residents should be consultees – if you are barred, please contact the Councils.
Have you got a minute to comment on the Planning Applications that enable the loss of Poole A&E, Maternity and Paediatrics, the break up of Poole Oncology and the loss of 407 of Poole’s beds?
Poole and Bournemouth Hospital Trusts are asking staff and patients to support these planning applications, saying that they will lose funding otherwise.
However, what they don’t seem to be telling people is that these planning applications are to seal the merger – ie the change of Poole Hospital to a Planned Hospital, with the loss of Poole A&E, Maternity and Paediatrics Depts, the break-up of Poole Oncology, and the closure of 407 beds.
The applications are in any case rather premature given that the Court of Appeal have yet to rule on the plans, the Independent Panel hasn’t started reviewing the plans and the Competition and Markets Authority have yet to grant stage 2 Merger.
The links are at the bottom – please comment!
Everyone who lives in Dorset is a consultee as, under the plans, newborn intensive and high dependency care for the whole County, currently at Poole, would move to Bournemouth Hospital – which is on the other side of Bournemouth, the “3rd most traffic congested location in the UK”
Here’s what people are being told:
“These important changes can only be made if our planning applications – click here for Poole’s and here for the Royal Bournemouth’s – are approved by the council. We have until Friday 2 August to gather as many positive pledges of support otherwise we risk losing the Department of Health funding. Petitions will also be put on reception desks around the trust for patients and staff and another way to show your support”…/……
Debbie Monkhouse