Worthy initiative it may be but will todays launch of the Wilts and Dorset Peoples Assembly actually achieve anything?

Well it’s certainly a place for people to talk, pass motions, draw up mission statements and all the rest of it so am I right to be a little sneering and sceptical about it. Possibly but I doubt it.

Do we really need another talking shop when the issues are so clear? People evicted from their homes by the bedroom tax, the vulnerable sick and disabled committing suicide in numbers as the assholes at ATOS deem them fit for work just to make a fucking profit out of them, 0 hour and short term contracts, poverty level wages that are loosing their value annually as the cost of living outstrips their spending power, workers at places like Grangemouth sold down the river by reformist unions all make up what, to my mind is all out class war by the capitalist bourgeois state on the working class.

The time for talking is over, the time for passing motions is over. No amount of reformist activism is going change the way things are and will be for some time to come.

The system cannot be reformed it’s had hundreds of years to sort itself out and yet the hierachies of left and right continue to bear down on those most unable to stand up to them.

The time has come for the working class to take charge of its own destiny by organizing in the workplace, the community and in all spheres of life.

We need to organize in our own best interests and stop giving the power we have away to ego driven hierarchicalists and ego trippers that are just going to shit all over us when they’ve got what they want.

We have the power, we are born with it. We are the wealth producers and yet never get the full fruits of our labour from anyone that gets their hands on the reigns of power.

The party system is a sham and of no interest to the working class at all.

The outlook for ordinary people has rarely been this bleak. The very institutions that are supposed to belong to them are hi-jacked by power crazed self-serving careerists that will cave in to the boss class the minute the going gets tough.

Only by grass roots organizing and direct action can there be any chance that the working class may be able turn the tables on those that attack and betray them but the prognosis isn’t good. The trouble is it’s about all we have left now.

Graham Horne


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