Drivers on the roads of Dorset have been targeted as part of a successful two-day joint operation with Devon & Cornwall Police.
Operation Allied Wolf took place on Wednesday 13 April and Thursday 14 April 2016 on the roads in Dorset.
This operation involved the Alliance Roads Policing Team which consists of officers from Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police.
This large-scale operation targeted known organised crime groups in Dorset, as well as drivers who were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving at excessive and inappropriate speed, not wearing a seatbelt, using a hand-held mobile phone and poor or careless driving.
Partners from the DVLA, and HM Customs and Revenue were integral to the operation.
During the operation 21 vehicles were seized for having no insurance, no vehicle excise licence or using red diesel.
Four people were arrested for criminal offences including assault and possession of drugs with intent to supply.
Chief Inspector Adrian Leisk, Head of the Roads Policing Alliance Operations Department, said: “This is another excellent example of how the two forces are working together under the Strategic Alliance.”
Alliance Roads Policing Team Sergeant Stuart Pitman, said: “Officers from Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police utilised ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) vehicles and safety camera vans to help achieve this positive result.
“Collaborative working is what made this operation a success and the Alliance Roads Policing Team will continue to work together to ensure Devon, Cornwall and Dorset remain safe and secure.”