On the 18th June Bournemouth Council’s Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Panel will be provided with an update, from officers, on the emerging examination process and main issues of potential local concern regarding the proposed off-shore wind farm application submitted by Navitus Bay Ltd. Bournemouth Council is one of a number of consultees in the process and the final decision on the proposal will be made by the Secretary of State next year. The meeting will start at 6.00pm, at the Town Hall, and, as with all formal council meetings, this meeting is open to the public.
It is proposed that the response to the Planning Inspectorate will, amongst other issues, highlight the impacts on tourism and the local economy. The tourism industry in Bournemouth underpins the local economy and is considered to be the key economic driver for jobs, investment and income to the area. The beauty of the natural environment and in particular the seafront aspect, is known to be the main attractor for tourism business to the town.
The potential impact on the wildlife, ecology and wider environmental assets of Bournemouth, including water quality and the quality of life of residents are also proposed to be investigated in the Council’s response to the Planning Inspectorate.
In April the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Panel held a special meeting in response to a deputation from Poole and Christchurch Bay Association which raised concerns about the potential impact of noise and the effect of the development on wildlife.
The Council also has six overview and scrutiny panels and each panel has a membership of nine non-Cabinet councillors. The panels have the task of challenging and influencing the development of council policies, helping to improve and maintain performance of the Council’s services and holding the Cabinet to account. Each panel has its own work programme. Whilst they do not make decisions themselves, they make recommendations to the Cabinet and the Council on matters referred to them.
Councillor Mark Anderson, Chair of the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Panel, said, “We have invited the wider membership of the Council to jointly discuss with the Panel the scope of the areas of response to the Planning Inspectorate. It will be an opportunity to make sure that the Council is focusing on the issues most relevant to our community and the Council’s area of expertise. The Panel debate will help to inform the subsequent detailed response to the Planning Inspectorate which we currently anticipate will be submitted in August.”
The Navitus Bay Development application documents are available for public view at Bournemouth Library (1st floor) until 23rd June, which is the final day for registering with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.
The agenda and papers for the meeting are on Bournemouth Borough Council’s website under “Mayor, Council & Democracy” > “Council Meetings” > “Upcoming Committee Meetings” > “Environment & Transport Overview & Scrutiny Panel 18-Jun 2014<https://www.bournemouth.gov.uk/CouncilDemocracy/Councillors/CouncillorCommitteeMeeting/EnvironmentTransportOverviewScrutinyPanel/2014/06/18/Environment&TransportOverview&ScrutinyPanel18-Jun-2014.aspx>” or by calling Democratic Services on 01202 454713.