An increase to parking charges across BCP Council owned seafront car parks and adjacent on-street areas – mainly used by visitors – has been approved to help tackle rising inflation, fuel costs and essential car park maintenance costs.

The recommendation was approved by BCP Council this week and amounts to a 10% increase in the cost of parking in seafront car parks and adjacent on-street pay and display areas

Julian McLaughlin, Director for Transport and Engineering said:

“Our Seafront Car Parks are a major income generator for our towns and are used primarily by people traveling from outside the local area coming to visit our popular resort’.

The changes are expected to generate an extra £359,000 during the 2022/23 financial year to reinvest in parking services and cover the rising costs of operating parking across the BCP region.

Following the approval of changes, it will take approximately 10 weeks to advertise and implement the new tariffs.

For more information, please see the full decision record online.

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