Whether one is into football or not, this six minute soliloquy sums up the dangers of misinformation and lying by people with platforms. Why people believe they can now say anything and f*** the consequences is not only a sad indictment on them but on society as a whole.

Paul Parker’s libellous comments

For the record, Paul Parker is an ex-Man United and England footballer and Mark Goldbridge runs The United Stand, a YouTube account with almost two million followers.

Why misinformation is cancerous

  1. Public Health: Misinformation can have dire consequences during public health crises. For instance, the MMR vaccine lies led to the rise in infection rates for all three diseases.
  2. Social Cohesion: False information can lead to the polarisation of communities, leading to increased social division and conflict. People may start to distrust and even fear those who hold different beliefs.
  3. Economic Impact: Misinformation can lead to people trusting economic systems and disparaging others based solely on lies….
  4. Science and Research: Misinformation can impede scientific progress. For instance, the spread of pseudoscientific claims can divert resources and attention away from legitimate scientific research.
  5. Individual Health: False health information can harm individuals by leading them to make poor health choices. This is not limited to pandemics but also applies to diet, exercise, and other health-related areas.
  6. Misallocation of Resources: Misinformation can lead governments and organisations to misallocate resources. For example, if a false threat is perceived as real, resources may be wasted on unnecessary security measures.
  7. Loss of Trust: When misinformation is widespread, it erodes trust in traditional sources of information, such as the media and scientific institutions. This can make it difficult for the public to discern credible information from false claims.
  8. Legal and Ethical Issues: Misinformation can lead to legal and ethical problems. For instance, spreading false information about a person or organisation can result in defamation lawsuits.
  9. Personal and Emotional Impact: Misinformation can cause personal stress and anxiety. False information about loved ones or emergencies can lead to unnecessary panic and emotional distress.

Do the research and the homework. Talk to people who actually know about the issues. Do not engage with those who see reality through a prism of dogma. Otherwise, just walk away and avoid contamination.

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