*** Police Advice*** You may be aware of a recent incident near Salisbury, when a fake police car containing 2 males who were impersonating police officers and were using a flashing blue light pulled over a car driven by a solitary female. Fortunately she realised her predicament when the men were unable to produce any ID, and managed to escape.
The following has been issued by Wiltshire Police:
• An unmarked police car can stop vehicles, but it must contain a constable who MUST be in uniform in order to carry out the stop.
• If a car flashing for you to pull over or stop is unmarked, unless you are 100% certain it is the police, DO NOT STOP. Drive steadily to the nearest public place (for example a petrol station where they are open till late, a police station or somewhere there are a lot of people) and then stop.
• If you are in a relatively deserted area, as a last resort, consider looking for a house that is obviously occupied and pull into the driveway. (You can always apologise to the householder afterwards.)
• Try and signal that you have acknowledged the request to stop and indicate the action you are taking (put your flashers on or signal by pointing from the driver’s window etc.). Don’t drive off at great speed making the police think you are trying to get away.
• Keep the doors locked until you are happy it is the police. Have your mobile at hand just in case. You can ask to see a warrant card, which should carry a name and photograph, through the closed window.