A friend of mine was crossing the Weymouth town Bridge on Saturday with a carrier bag full of shopping, when suddenly he was confronted with about 30, mainly drunk ‘Young Farmers’., one of whom ran up to him and wrenched the bag from his grip, before kicking it across the dirty, wet road, scattering the contents, his clean laundry on to the filthy street. This was quickly followed by another young farmer, then kicking the bag and what was left of its contents even further afield. Luckily, or so he thought, a police patrol car was driving right up behind him as it happened and he went to them to ask for help. …The reply he got from one of the officers inside after he asked for their assistance was… “Well, it’s just high spirits”. And they refused to even get out and speak to the assailants.
He says he doesn’t want to make a fuss about it, but I think it needs airing. He also said they were in The Swan shaking up fizzy bottles of lager and spraying the whole room. One local apparently had had enough and threw one of them across the bar. The Doormen said that they’d hardly seen a police officer for the entire weekend.
To be fair to some of them, a female friend of the aggressors did apologise profusely on their behalf and offered my mate five pounds towards his cleaning bill, as obviously his clean washing which was in the bag, was no longer clean! He of course, thanked her, but refused the money.
Mark Vine