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Poole LINk – June eNews

Poole LINk eNews – June 2012

Poole LINk is an independent network of over 800 local people and groups. The LINk listens to local people and uses that feedback to improve health and social care services.

Hamworthy Dentist

NHS Bournemouth & Poole have confirmed that they now have a ‘preferred bidder’ for the Hamworthy NHS dental contract, subject to contract discussions. The new NHS dentist will be based in Hamworthy, as a direct result of the Poole LINk report: https://www.makesachange.org.uk/cms/site/docs/FINAL%20Poole%20LINk%20Dentistry%20Report%2026.7.10.pdf

The LINk is eagerly awaiting further news. As soon as we find out more, we’ll let you know……


              LINk comment of the Month

‘After a knee operation at Poole Hospital I was given physiotherapy in the hydro pool – it was great and the staff are fantastic’

Have you recently had physiotherapy treatment at Poole Hospital? Please tell us about your experience, good or bad. Get in touch with Louise on 0300 111 0102 or [email protected] and tell us your story….


LINk Community Grants feedback

We’ve been gathering feedback from all the groups who received a Poole LINk community grant last year, finding out how they spent the money and how it’s benefitted local people. Here’s an update on the £500 grant we gave to Dorset Action on Abuse (DAA) a local charity set up to relieve the suffering and distress of men and women who are survivors of childhood abuse: https://www.dorsetactiononabuse.org.uk/

DAA has used the LINk grant money to train, supervise and motivate volunteer counsellors and to provide safe, secure counselling facilities. On average DAA runs 63 one to one counselling sessions a week and the LINk grant money has helped to keep those sessions going. DAA has a number of vacancies available for volunteer counsellors, willing to make a voluntary commitment to Dorset Action on Abuse. Volunteer counsellors need to be fully trained in professional therapeutic counselling, or in the final stages of their training. If you’re interested, please send a recent CV and evidence of your professional membership to the service co-ordinator: [email protected] or call 01202 732424 for more information.


Poole LINk – Carers Focus Groups Report

Thanks to everyone who attended the LINk carers focus group on dementia & alzheimers in Poole on 28th March. We have sent our LINk report of all the comments we gathered to the local NHS where it will be used to improve mental health services for older people. The full report is available on our website: www.poolelink.org.uk.

If you care for someone with dementia or Alzheimers and you weren’t involved in one of the LINks focus groups – please get in touch and tell us about your experiences by email [email protected]  phone 0300 111 0102 or tweet @poolelink


Ladies Night in aid of Poole Maternity Unit, written by Shelley Eaton

“For a while now I have been thinking of a way I could help the local community and thought that Poole Maternity Unit would be the perfect cause as they do such an amazing job day after day. So I organised a Ladies Pamper Night held at the Hotel Royale in Bournemouth on the 5th April this year. The night had a great atmosphere with everyone that attended having a great time also local businesses had the opportunity to network with each other. We managed to raise a massive £245.85 for the maternity unit. The event was so well received that I will be looking into running something similar, if not the same, later in the year so watch this space. I organised this event all voluntarily with help from my sister and friend Claire McNally. To look at the photo’s and find out more about the night go to ……..  https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10151478372590596.833847.591855595&type=1


Make a Noise in Libraries

Make a Noise in Libraries fortnight is an annual campaign to bring public libraries and blind and partially sighted people together to improve access to books and information. Make a Noise in Poole Libraries by joining one of these free events:

Wednesday 20th June 10.30am at Creekmoor Library – Join us for coffee and a chat, and give us your ideas about what you’d like to do in the library.

Wednesday 20th June 2pm at Poole Central Library – Carry on Reading – even if you have lost sight, you can still read. Discover Your Reading Choices and the wide range of equipment available, including magnifiers, e-readers and audiobooks.  Supported by Dorset Blind Association and Poole Sight and Hearing Team.

Friday 22nd June 2pm at Hamworthy Library – Saul Reichlin, award-winning narrator of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo will give us the inside information about how audiobooks are made and why we love to listen to them.  Please book a free place on 01202 672750.

Throughout the fortnight you can also discover OneClickDigital, a new and improved downloadable audiobooks service. Computer Buddies in libraries will show you how easy it is to use – check the website for times and places: www.boroughofpoole.com/libraries


Improvements to Poole Hospital elderly care ward

A WARD at Poole Hospital has undergone a £200,000 transformation following research into how surroundings can aid the care of elderly people.  Lulworth Ward’s redesign combines light, colour, art and signage to promote a calming and welcoming environment where people with confusion or dementia can find their way around. There are big scenic photographs of Dorset throughout the ward to aid orientation. Single rooms each have a memory box where items personal to the patient can be displayed. People coming in are greeted by a clerk at a welcome desk and there is also a small seating area for patients. The cost of the revamp was shared by the trust, the King’s Fund and local fundraising.

“We’re all aware of how an environment can impact on us when we are feeling unwell. I think this will improve people’s wellbeing and help the process of recovery,” said specialist nurse and project lead Louise Jenkins.

Patient Jean Slade, 80, of Lytchett Matravers, said; “I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. It’s like going into a posh hotel. It cheers people up no end.”


NHS is failing gay and bisexual men, major survey reveals

Gay and bisexual men are neglected and sometimes discriminated against by a health service that tends to focus solely on their sexual health, despite the fact they are more likely to self-harm, attempt suicide and experience depression, according to a major study.

Almost 6,900 gay and bisexual men across the UK who had used NHS healthcare services in the last year were surveyed by gay rights charity Stonewall. The survey reveals that a third have had a negative experience related to their sexuality. Confidence in confidentiality systems and lack of opportunities for discussion were so poor that the same proportion had not even come out to their GP or other staff. The men said they were more likely to be open about their sexual orientation with their manager and work colleagues than with healthcare professionals.

Stonewall’s chief executive, Ben Summerskill, says the findings of the report – the largest such study in the world – are “deeply troubling” because the lack of trust may discourage Britain’s 1.8 million gay and bisexual men from accessing crucial advice and testing services.


Here’s an article about what can care providers do to support older gay people, published by Joseph Rowntree Foundation on 17th May – International Day Against Homophobia: https://www.jrf.org.uk/blog/2012/05/international-day-against-homophobia

Does this issue affect you? Have you been restricted access to your same sex partner in a hospital or care home setting? Please tell us what you think at this link: www.makesachange.org.uk/area/area-discussion-topic.aspx?ForumID=5&TopicID=210


Volunteers wanted to help shape future services

The NHS is looking for people to provide feedback of recent experience considering both effectiveness and access to treatment for two local services – joint injections and physiotherapy services. The Shadow Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (SDCCG) wants to understand what current users have to say about their experience, the effectiveness of the treatment and access to the service. If you have received joint injections either in your GP practice or in a community clinic (but not at a hospital) or undertaken physiotherapy treatment for conditions or injuries they are keen to hear from you.

Joint injections – If you have recently (within the last 6 months) experienced injections of local anaesthetic and/or steroids into joints such as knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists or hands for relief of pain or to improve mobility in either your GP surgery or in a community clinic please get in touch.

Physiotherapy – If you have experience of physiotherapy services for conditions which affected your muscles, joints or tendons, in your GP surgery, community clinic or in a hospital, in the past 6 months, please get in touch.

Volunteers will be expected to attend at least two meetings over the next six months to provide feedback on their treatment, access and overall experience. Expenses will be paid and support offered to those with carers and other specific commitments. Please contact Jytte Kristensen on 01202 541662 or email [email protected] for more details.


Newly elected Mayor of Poole opens Sign it! Upholstery

Sign it! a local Poole business has opened a new upholstery workshop. Sign it! Upholstery aims to support deaf and disabled people by employing and training them in becoming upholsterers. Mayor Carol Evans said, “It gives me great pleasure to open this wonderful project that helps young people with disabilities on the ladder of employment to improve their life chances.  The work of Sign it! has always played a part in community in helping to create a level playing field for all”

Robert Eaton who owns Sign it! Upholstery also owns CAM Panelworks (Poole) Ltd and Mototecnics, a local body shop and garage service that also employs deaf and disabled people. Rob said, “We are so proud to open our upholstery workshop, and would like to give our heartfelt thanks for the massive amount of help and support from Mr Robert Braithwaite, OBE, the President and founder of Sunseeker International Ltd.”

Jenny, one of the deaf girls employed by Sign it!, was able to talk to the audience through Emma, a BSL communicator. “Working here has given me a real sense of achievement and inspired me to one day own my own business.” For more details go to: https://www.signituk.net/


Improving the mental health of prisoners

NICE will develop guidance aimed at improving the mental health of people in prison, following the latest topic referral from the Department of Health.

It is estimated that around 90 per cent of all prisoners have a diagnosable mental health problem, including personality disorders, and/or a substance misuse problem. More than 70 per cent of the prison population has two or more mental health disorders, and the suicide rate in prisons is almost 15 times higher than in the general population.

In 2009, a landmark report by former home office minister Lord Keith Bradley concluded that too many offenders with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities are ending up in prison without access to appropriate treatment. The government pledged to improve outcomes for all people with mental health problems through high-quality services that are equally accessible to all when they set out their mental health strategy – no health without mental health.



Dorset Health Care recently hosted an event to celebrate the launch of its new ‘men in sheds’ project, an exciting addition to the NHS Trust’s therapeutic patient gardening group. Two of Dorset Health Care’s Older People’s Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT), based at Oakley House in Canford Magna, run the gardening group for people living with dementia. The group provides a relaxed and informal atmosphere in an outdoor setting, giving patients time to develop their social skills and reduce any isolation or boredom they may be experiencing. The group also provides a welcome distraction from symptoms, helping to maintain mobility and improve mood, stamina, concentration and hand eye coordination.  

The group has recently benefited from funding by the Dorset Partnership for Older People Programme (POPP) – in partnership with Dorset County Council – to expand its popular activities as part of the Dementia Innovation Fund. CMHT service manager, Rachel Crewe explained: “We decided to use the grant to fund equipment which can be used in our new shed in the garden of Oakley House, to expand the range of therapeutic activities offered. The large space will act as a focus for the group and the new equipment will allow patients to continue to benefit from the group throughout the winter months, whilst maintaining a real outdoor feel to the group.” For more details contact Dorset Healthcare on 01202 303400.


Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspections

Over the next three months the CQC will be carrying out inspections to test ways of getting better information about how services are performing and what people think about their services. The inspections will run alongside CQC’s programme of planned inspections, under which it will inspect all of the 6,000 or so registered home care locations each year.

The 250 inspections build on what the regulator learned from a pilot programme of 30 inspections last autumn. CQC inspectors were joined by ‘experts by experience’ – people who have a personal experience of using home care services. Experts by experience and professional experts will also be involved in this inspection programme. There’s more about the inspection programme on CQC’s web site https://www.cqc.org.uk/public/reports-surveys-and-reviews/themed-inspections/review-home-care-agencies

Share Your Experience – CQC has also produced two surveys – one for people receiving care and one for relatives and carers. Each survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and all information will be treated confidentially.


PIP Breast Implants

The House of Commons Health Select Committee is considering the recent problems with PIP breast implants and is keen to hear from women who have had these implants. If you know of anyone affected by the PIP breast implant issue, or are affected yourself, you may be interested to know that the Committee have set up a web forum which can be accessed here: https://forums.parliament.uk/pip-implants This forum will be running until the 31st May.

Further information about the forum is available here: https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/health-committee/news/12-05-02—pip-breast-implants/ If you have any questions or would like to contact the Committee directly, please email [email protected]


NHS Continuing Healthcare Cut-off Dates

Do you think you were entitled to NHS Continuing Healthcare between 2004 and 2012? In March 2012, the Department of Health DOH) announced the introduction of deadlines for individuals to request an assessment of eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding for cases during the period 1 April 2004 – 31 March 2012.

Continuing Healthcare is care provided over an extended period of time to meet physical or mental health needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. It is only provided where an individual requires long term healthcare and NOT social or residential care. If you have never applied for NHS Continuing Healthcare, but think you may have been entitled to receive it, you can apply to your local PCT for an assessment. If you have any questions please call the Continuing Healthcare Team on 01305 361123 or go to this link for more details: https://www.bournemouthandpoole.nhs.uk/WS-Pan-Dorset/Pages/NHS-BP/yourhealth/continuing-healthcare.htm


Carers Week 2012

Carers Week 2012 will take place from 18-24 June. The theme this year is “In sickness and in health” asking carers how much does your caring role impact on your health and wellbeing? Are you worried that the cuts to services from statutory agencies and government will make you shoulder more of the burden?  Are you already feeling the effects of cuts to local services, if so, we’re keen to hear how it’s affecting your life: Tel 0300 111 0102 email [email protected]


What does having a carers break look like to you?

Help the Carers Team make a difference and spend money for carers breaks in the way local carers want. There will be two free events to gather your views, which will include refreshments and light entertainment in Carers Week.

Afternoon Tea – Monday 18th June, 2pm at the Arndale Court Hotel, 62-66 Wimborne Road, Poole BH15 2BY

Brunch – Friday 22nd June, 10.30am at the Green House Hotel, 4 Grove Road, Bournemouth BH1 3AX

Please come along, both events are open to carers and the person they support. To book a place please call the Carers Team on 01202 458204


Charity in plea to stop thieves

Poole’s Lewis-Manning Hospice is appealing to its supporters to help them to deter thieves from stealing items donated to its charity shops. The charity is grateful to members of the community who continue to donate their pre-loved items to them via their shops, however, donated bags and boxes that are left outside their shops are being targeted by thieves and vandals. Increasingly hospice shop workers are arriving at work to find bags and boxes ripped open with many items stolen or left unusable and objects strewn across the path.

Rob Matthews, Retail Manager at Lewis-Manning Hospice, a charity which provides free care and support to hundreds of local people with cancer and other-life threatening illnesses said: “It’s great if people chose to donate their items to us, however we’re desperately appealing to them to bring their items to us during our opening hours, or call us to arrange a collection.” If you would like to donate good quality household items and clothing to Lewis-Manning Hospice, please take your items to their shops from Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm or call 01202 760574 to arrange for a driver to come and collect your items free of charge.


PALS – here to help

When you need advice, have concerns, or don’t know where else to turn, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) hopes to be able to help patients, their families and carers. PALS can provide information on NHS services (including how to complain), help sort out problems quickly on your behalf and help you get support from other local or national agencies. You can talk to PALS at Healthpoint in Poole Central Library on weekdays 9.30-5pm and at Boscombe & Springbourne Health Centre on Thursdays from 10-12 & 2-5pm. PALS at NHS Bournemouth and Poole can also be contacted on: Telephone: 01202 541585 Text: 07825 256953 Email: [email protected]  Website: https://www.bournemouthandpoole.nhs.uk/getinvolved/pals.htm


New Patient-Led Inspection System

From April 2013 local HealthWatch will lead a new patient-led inspection regime to replace the old Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) inspections. The inspections will consider cleanliness, food, privacy and dignity at a minimum. As part of the development of this new Patient-Led inspection system, the Health and Social Care Information Centreare working to identify what matters most to patients. Based on initial work with a number of patient groups, an on-line survey (known as Zoomerang) has been set up to gather your feedback: https://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22FNNCWBVHL

All responses will be anonymous, and completing the survey should only take about 15 minutes. However this relatively short time will be of enormous value in ensuring that the revised process is truly ‘Patient-Led’. Please complete the survey by 1st June.


Plain Packs Protect

The newly formed shadow Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), made up from GPs across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole, is encouraging local people to support the national campaign designed to stop young people take up smoking.

The Dorset CCG is keen to remind people that across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole around 1300 people are dying each year due to smoking related diseases; what’s more by the age of 15 years 12% of children in England report being regular smokers. These deaths can be avoided.

The Plain Packs Protect campaign aims to raise awareness of the use of tobacco packaging as a marketing tool and believes that ensuring that tobacco is sold only in generically coloured packaging, with plain-font brand names and increased health warnings. Anyone wishing to show their support can sign an online petition via the campaign website: www.plainpacksprotect.co.uk


Free Summer Courses from Skills and Learning– see attached


Top Tweets

@DorsetCCG: #DCCG (Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group) publishes communication & engagement strategies for the coming year https://www.dorset.nhs.uk/aboutus/dorset-clinical-commissioning-group.htm

@mencap_charity: Read our report ‘Stuck at home: the impact of day service cuts on people with a learning disability’ https://www.mencap.org.uk/dayservicecuts

LGB patients experiences of their GP – please look at this @lgfoundation survey to gather feedback for CCG’s: https://www.lgf.org.uk/surveys/index.php?sid=35629&lang=en


Follow us on Twitter @poolelink – we have over 170 followers so far, please sign up and help us promote the LINk. Just click on the blue bird below…..



Thanks for reading and if you’d like us to include information about your project or event in the next eNews, please contact Louise 


We’re always looking for volunteers to get involved in LINk projects and your comments direct the LINkswork – so tell us what you think about local health and social care services. Contac tLouise Bate,Poole LINk Development Officer


Tel: 0300 111 0102

Mobile: 07717 702132

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.poolelink.org.uk

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