Prime Minister,

Even though I know you’re going to be fighting against the righteous call from social media that #CameronMustGo, before you do perhaps you will kindly explain to the public at large exactly why your government is proposing to use taxpayers’ money to prop up private sector industries?  Are we not already in enough debt because of the propping up of delinquent banks?  I cannot see any justification in spending £60m of public funds on a bridge across the Thames that will be nothing more than an over-water garden to be run by a private company. Nor can I see any reason for spending a single penny, let alone the tens of millions of pounds that is expected, of public money to aid largely unwanted fracking companies in the drilling of boreholes across the length and breadth of Britain. (  This is not what tax revenues are for, and that fact is underlined in the fracking case by the expectation that these energy companies will, if boreholes are successful, extract energy for which they will then charge the same taxpayers who are currently expected to fund the exploratory drilling!  If your Chancellor had not already admitted publicly that he will miss his revenue forecasts and requirements this year it would possibly not be such an issue, but as things stand it is nothing less than a proposed criminal con.

Were the big oil companies given public money to fund their search of the North Sea back in the 1970s?  As far as I know they were not, so what makes Brown of Cuadrilla’s people any more special, apart from the fact that he’s a government Minister?  The deliberate misappropriation of public funds is a serious offence, Prime Minister; people have been sent to prison for it.  And if the likes of BP WERE given public money to aid in the North Sea search, then we, as the original owners and therefore the official lenders of that money, want it back along with every penny of interest that is due to offset what we have been compelled to pay against our energy bills ever since!  While we’re on this subject, why are taxpayers still being compelled to support Network Rail, privatised by Thatcher, to the tune of £800,000 a year?

Do you, and your Chancellor, think that we are entirely stupid out here?  Let the fracking companies go to the taxpayer-supported banks or the P2P companies for a loan, the same as every other private sector business has to, and pay interest on their borrowing.  We taxpayers are not a damn piggy bank for wealthy fuel barons to dip into at whim!!  Lord Brown’s position within the government, along with his strategically seeded minions in the Treasury and elsewhere, should not entitle his company and those of his contemporaries to be given illicit access to public funds while the NHS is being starved of public money and 900,000 socially disadvantaged – and often vulnerable – people are having to rely on food handouts from charities.  And, incidentally, the NHS is STILL not your government’s property to sell.  It belongs to the UK public and we want to be asked via a referendum if it should be sold off or kept as a properly funded, nationally owned public service.  This is particularly important in view of the fact that so many sitting MP’s stand to benefit financially from the hiving off of NHS services to private concerns in which they hold shares.  This matter of an obvious conflict of interests is one that you Parliamentarians should not be permitted to police or vote upon yourselves.

Your Chancellor’s cutbacks are now running the risk of putting lives and property in danger, as Newcastle City Council has just reported that they are facing civil unrest as a result of being unable to cope with “impossible cuts.”  If any kind of backup to an email that I sent to the police a couple of days ago is needed, this is it ( because social media and IRC (have a flunky look it up for you) will enable the kind of co-ordination between dissident groups across the UK that was unheard of even as recently as the Poll Tax riots of the 1980s.  And the police, if the truth is known, have absolutely zero chance of stopping them because if they do use online means for communications, they will be hiding behind so many proxy servers and VPN’s (have the same flunky look that up as well) that finding their IP addresses (flunky again) will be like seeking the proverbial needle in the haystack.  Apart from having little or no idea of how powerful the internet is in this regard, your government has so seriously depleted the ranks of the police that, if this type of co-ordination goes ahead, they will have not a snowball in Hell’s chance of controlling the situation.  The amount of time it took them to trace the Tor (go, Flunky) pathways leading to Silk Road and other illicit drugs sites bears this out.  I’m copying them into these emails so that they can save the time that they’d otherwise have to expend reading my dangerously, non-violently extreme Facebook timeline posts.  They can thank me later.  Preferably not at 3AM as the neighbours have an early start at their workplaces, and all you have to do is knock.  Thank you for understanding.

Think about it:  If unrest kicked off simultaneously in London, Leeds, Lancaster, Bradford, Birmingham, Coventry, Norwich, Winchester and many other cities there would be no question of police reinforcements being available to send to London to support the LMPS.  They’d have it all to do trying to control their own local situations and they are already vastly outnumbered.  London would fall in flames, Prime Minister, because there would be more than just rioters, out to nick a new plasma TV and chuck a few Molotovs about, involved.  Water cannon?  Don’t make me laugh!  There are plenty of readily-available alkalis that catch fire when they get wet, and there are plenty of people out there who know this, just waiting for the fatal spark of revolution, who would use them too, to devastating effect against corporations’ expensive properties.

How many fire-fighter posts did BoJo cut in London, by the way?

You might be expecting the Armed Forces to provide “aid to the civil power” should major civil unrest occur, but they would then become legitimate targets, just as the police would already be as your initial front-line defenders.  Maybe not personally, but while they were out policing the riots who would be guarding their families and homes – even their children at school, which/who could also be targeted?  Such is the level of hatred, in some quarters, that has been generated but I doubt that, in your cocoon of wealth and privilege, you have even given a single thought to the safety of those who would misguidedly provide the front-line defence for your corrupt government’s policies and practices, or their kin.  Finding out where someone, and/or their relatives live, Prime Minister, is the easiest thing in the world to do for anyone with eyes and a mouth, and a bit of change for a call box or credit on their mobile phone’s throwaway SIM.  That kind of targeting has been done before, elsewhere and with less technology than we have today, but at 41 you are too young to remember the news reports about it.  If, like me, you started taking an interest in the 6 o’clock news at 10 years old, you might have just caught the back end of them in the last year or so of the 1970s.  No copper or soldier can physically be in two places at once, and if I was still in uniform I know where my priority for defence would lie.  Clue:  it would not be with the private sector corporations, such as the tax-avoiding Starbucks, or with Parliament.

And, anyway, why SHOULD the troops risk injury or even death defending your government, when its attitude to those of their friends who have returned, broken and crippled for life, from the industrialists’ and bankers’ manufactured wars overseas are cast aside and left to either rot, or be hassled into suicide or starvation by Psychosmiffy’s mob at the DWP?  That’s hardly glowing thanks for their sacrifices for the wealthy elite’s cause of hoarding more and more vulgar money is it?  A former soldier died in your own Constituency, remember, because the DWP left him without the means to even keep his insulin cold?  Who, from the DWP or Job Centre Plus, has been summoned to answer for that entirely avoidable death, Prime Minister?  NO-ONE.  We all know that Afghanistan was never about opium, Prime Minister – it was about MINERALS, just as your desperation to have a go at Syria is about oil, and I am laughing my socks off that the Afghani government is now providing the extraction rights not to those governments who sent in troops to “install democracy” but to the Chinese and Pakistanis who took no part in the West’s American-led aggression!

Families are precious to their members among us Plebs, Prime Minister, unlike yours where children are merely a means to pass on hoarded wealth and are bundled off with foreign nannies at every opportunity, boarded out to loveless institutions such as private schools, or hidden under the stairs unless their ghosts are to be raised at Party conferences in order to nail a sympathy vote or two.  Yes, I saw the lovely Jack Monroe’s tweet, and she said no more than what a huge number of people have been muttering for years.  Vox Political posted a meme in the same vein prior to Jack’s tweet, yet he wasn’t subjected to the same trolling that she was.  Did it take very long to get the Party trolls together and online to give Jack their working-over?  Your calculated political use of your son’s death has been nothing short of despicable, and if that hurts, Prime Minister, you can be sure it’s the truth, because hurting is what the truth does to those who are in the wrong.  You used the NHS for young Ivan, Prime Minister and you claimed Disability Living Allowance for him.  Yet, since 2010 you have done everything in your power to prevent other, far less well off people, like me, who rely upon both those services, from accessing them despite your recorded promises to keep the NHS safe in Tory hands and to look after the vulnerable.  Those outright pre-election LIES, designed to allow you and your friends in Parliament to line your own pockets at the expense of public health and well-being, along with your dog-in-the-manger attitude to DLA since your son’s passing, has made you the joint-second most despised man in Britain today along with your idiot Chancellor who continues to apply a system of austerity that has plainly FAILED.  It was Einstein who said that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results each time, is the sign of insanity, and he knew a thing or two.  Only Psychosmiffy – cowering in his eyrie at the DWP when he’s not cringing in hotel laundry baskets – is ahead of you both on points in the Hatred Stakes.  One hundred and seventy-seven government MP’s have been named and shamed for supporting the Bedroom Tax, which is undeniably the cause of at least one suicide (Stephanie Bottrill), having claimed often unnecessary and avoidable accommodation-related expenses for themselves of up to, and in a number of cases in excess of, £15,000 each, Prime Minister.  All in it together are we?  Hardly.

Think on, Prime Minister.  You are now provably on the very verge of pushing too far in places like Newcastle, and reports like this one ( are only going to add fuel to the already smouldering fuse.  If the powder keg that is Austerity Myth Britain should happen to ignite because your overblown egos are more important to you and your comrades than the social stability that you should be working for then what you start will make 1970s Belfast look tame, and it will run on for decades because the minority groups such as the EDL, BNP and their ilk will use the cover of civil unrest to get in a few licks of their own and start an active and overt race war here in the UK.  We’ll be back to the days of IED’s in bins on Oxford Street, and in railway stations and department stores, with anyone wearing a uniform very liable to become a random target for someone still with an axe to grind once the main events are over.  We’ve already seen that last bit with the murder of the Rigby boy.  With the police defeated there will be nothing to stop it escalating, and if you cannot/will not see that, or how dangerously close we are to it, then you have no business being in the Office that you usurped in 2010.  YOU might not have considered the likely spin-offs from a major civil uprising in our cosmopolitan society, but I have and so have others, and we do not want to see them given any reason to become a reality.

I doubt that you will give even a passing glance to what’s been said here, which is why I am firmly in the camp that says #CameronMustGo.  The sooner, the better and I am hoping that, in true Tory style, the knives will soon be out for you within your own Party, as was hinted at during the Rochester bye-election.


Darren Lynch

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