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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Satire in name only

Satire in name only

Date: 6th July 2024 The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MPLeader of the Labour PartyHouse of CommonsLondon SW1A 0AA Dear Sir Keir, I write to you with a heavy heart and a profound sense of responsibility. As we prepare to transition power to your leadership, I must candidly acknowledge the severe economic...
Apart from this lot and this lot everyone hates Farage. This is just wonderful. 🚨We just dropped in on Farage’s election rally with a beaming picture of Putin. Nigel was not pleased. pic.twitter.com/KeDiOMeyu6— Led By Donkeys (@ByDonkeys) June 29, 2024 KEEP US ALIVE and join us in helping to bring reality...
According to The Independent Rishi Sunak's election campaign suffered another setback on Sunday when it was revealed that a fourth Conservative member was under investigation for placing a bet on the date of the general election. Nick Mason, the party’s data chief, has taken a leave of absence after becoming...
The South Dorset Tory MP Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax has said he's not going to attend any of the scheduled Hustings to present his case for why on earth you should vote for him because he says he is busy on those dates. Like a ghost, he appears only when...
Push the stake in and then the satire. @AyoCaesar Are you going to pull the knifes out of his (Boris Johnson) back?It’s ridiculous, you defenestrated him because he tanked in the polls & his conduct in officeNow you are going to stitch Charles 1st head back onIt’s a gimmick &...
When my daughter was 18 months old, we took her to my old family holiday home in Roses, Spain. To her delight, we had our yacht docked at the bottom of the garden. Every morning she would run out of the house, causing her mother pure terror, shouting with...
Nigel Farage has declared that he will not be re-entering British politics following the announcement of a general election. Having attempted seven times already and lost every time, he feels that the UK public will never trust him to run a bath, let alone represent them in Parliament. Nigel Farage and...
Following the blood red portrait of King Charles, which is deemed to symbolise the abandonment of the toxity of a Tory-controlled nation, characterised by a cold blue, towards a more liberated and equal political system... it is important to ask whether the Royals are attempting to be open about...
A quick reminder: Here is the far right monster successfully auditioning. Tommy Robinson is trending I can’t help but tweet this video…againpic.twitter.com/h58fCRpXmZ— Nadeem Ahmed (@Muqadaam) April 15, 2024 And here he is, turning on Gideon Falter for being a hypocrite. And here are his mates: https://dorseteye.com/im-a-tommy-robinson-boy-not-the-best-byline-for-an-anti-grooming-march/ And to finish off with AKA Tommy getting...
Have you ever considered the most common themes that people post on Facebook (AKS Faecesbook)? Well now instead of rolling one's eye we can play Facebook bingo. Just keep tabs on the following, or even make your own. Roll up! Roll up! Weekly or perhaps daily fun for all the...