Trusting Raab with a Bill of Rights is like approving Fred West for foster care


If we found out that the current Tory government was a Satanic cult how many would really be surprised? Or if Dominic Raab was really Amon Goth transported through time just prior to his execution? Apart from the time travel bit we probably wouldn’t even twitch. It would all stand to reason.

However, following the incredibly incompetent Tory Brexit we are now going to let a proven sociopath tell us what our rights are. Think about that for a moment. If on your wedding night your partner told you that they would sleep in another room but don’t worry they have bought a puff adder for you to snuggle up to it should create the same level of alarm.

Let us take this example of his attempts so far:

To quote the economist and commentator Richard Murphy

‘Cutting through the gibberish this seems to say that Parliament is always right and even if you think otherwise it’s still right, because this clause says it is. Fascist, or what?’

An even greater issue though is how many people just simply let these characters from Deliverance get away with it and fall in front of their harvester. It is genuinely scary and very odd that we are told not to trust politicians by the very people who trust politicians. Challenge them and their responses would be laughed out of debating group for a Level 1 Red Neck Bible class.

This is Dominic Raab and this is what he thinks of us:

Moral of the story: The majority get what they didn’t vote for and the minority are killing us all.

Douglas James

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