Labour Party members: Hold the line. Jess Phillips cannot get elected with the current membership. What the Blairites and media seem to forget is WE ALREADY KNOW THE MEDIA IS FULL OF SHIT when it comes to influencing members. Sure, some may peel off when the relentless love-in and love-bombing for Phillips starts in the media and other MPs of her mindset…makes no difference. It’s not the electorate you have to convince, it’s the members….
We already know someone who calls Jacob Rees Mogg a good friend, who laughs out loud live on air re last week’s results (until she realises she is on air), who said she’d stab Corbyn in the front and back, who hounded anti-racist campaigner Mark Wadsworth out of the party at the same time she was defending the absurd case against him, who goes to a Murdoch dinner party shindig and cancels chairing a Labour Women’s meeting to do so, who hob nobs with actual anti-Semites at Spectator parties while then throwing around accusations of anti-Semitism without evidence, who said NOTHING when our Secretary Jenny Formby was being bullied by Tom Watson while undergoing Chemo, who compared herself to a woman in a physically abusive relationship re being in the Labour Party now, who never, ever wastes an opportunity to slag off the members and leadership-every day-since Corbyn took over, on every platform available…
Well us members REMEMBER and there is no way on earth, not a chance she’ll get anywhere near being leader with current membership. Thankfully. No matter how hysterical the press and ‘experts’ get. Save your breath.
Adam Samuels