After several weeks of refurbishment the Bournemouth and District Samaritans charity shop at 246 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, will re-open on Saturday March 29th, with the official ceremonial launch at 14.00. Improvements include new flooring, new lighting and painting of the exterior and interior. The shop provides essential funds to run services that support people in time of distress, locally and nationally.
Like all local Samaritans groups, the Bournemouth branch receives no support from the national organisation; all income must be raised locally. The newly refurbished shop will continue to sell clothing, toys, and household items. Ideally located near the Lansdowne, the shop draws on a wide range of customers of all ages. Visitors and customers are most welcome to come and browse.
There really is something for everyone in the shop, which is now going to be open for 7 days a week. The refurbishment was expensive, so Bournemouth and District Samaritans are grateful for generous donations from JP Morgan and LV Insurance two of Bournemouth’s largest employers and an anonymous donor who called unexpectedly into the shop.
The Samaritanscan bereachedby phone(24 hours a day) on 08457 90 90 90or by e-mailat [email protected]. The local branch can be foundat1 DurrantRd,Bournemouth,BH2 6LE(behindtheTownHallandStStephensChurch) during opening hours (9.00am to9.00pm everyday oftheweek).