Holwell residents can help shape their community through the development of a Neighbourhood Plan.
Holwell Parish Council has applied for the approval of a Neighbourhood Area, which is the first formal stage of preparing a plan.
A Neighbourhood Plan aims to give residents more control over their local area, when plans for new homes, shops and offices in their town or village are considered.
The parish council is proposing that the Neighbourhood Plan should cover the entire parish of Holwell.
Residents who have any comments about whether this is the right area for the Neighbourhood Plan to cover can send them to the Spatial Policy team atWest Dorset District Councilby6 June 2014.
A Working Group has been set up by the parish council to guide the preparation of the plan. A parishioner questionnaire will soon be delivered to all local households to find out about local issues and concerns.
The plan will be discussed at the Parish Council AGM meeting on20 Mayat Holwell Village Hall, with other events planned for later in the year.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along. There will be further opportunities for ideas and issues to be discussed as the plan begins to take shape.
Once the plan is written, it will be consulted on locally and submitted to the district council for independent examination. It will also be subject to a local referendum to make sure it has the support of local people.
Cllr Robert Gould, Leader of West Dorset District Council, said: “Residents in Holwell have a great chance to get involved and shape the future of their community.
“Anyone who wishes to have their say on the neighbourhood plan area can do so by sending their comments to the district council.”
Residents can comment by post at West Dorset District Council, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, DT1 1UZ or email [email protected]
Those interested in helping with the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan can contact Bruce Duncan on 01963 23595, Neil Peirson on 01693 23350 or Steve Atchison on 01963 23305.
More info:
Neighbourhood plans were introduced in the Localism Act which Government passed in 2011.
In areas where there is a parish council, the parish council has been given the powers to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. In other areas a neighbourhood forum must be designated for this purpose.
West Dorset District Council has a duty to provide technical advice and support to those communities who wish to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. The district council is also responsible for approving the neighbourhood area.
More information on Neighbourhood Plans can be found at https://www.dorsetforyou.com/neighbourhoodplanning/west/weymouth