Serious safety concerns here in Sherborne with badger traps being found just off the main road WHICH EVERYONE USES to and from work at all times of the day. Dog walkers here in Sherborne out and about walking their dogs as early as half five before work etc, many joggers have also been seen running up this main road leading into Sherborne . On a personal level I am horrified that badger culling has come so close to my town, which is something I never thought would ever be happening. In fact I was so sure it was never going to happen that I chanced upon the trap by chance as I was doing a sett check, something I had been doing years before the cull even started. I now fear not only for my safety on footpath walks but I fear for my family and other people in my community who are busy going about their own business not having any idea that possible psychopaths are lurking in their local woods. This is a hidden danger that local people have a right to be aware of.
Let’s also remember that cage trapping has been considered by an independent enquiry to be inhumane, barbaric and inefficient. To have this kind of cruelty so close to where I live is playing such a personal heavy toll, seeing my local badgers targeted which I have monitored and visited for so many years.
Kate Bradley