Should Weymouth have a Pride event?


Stay tuned for more info on this idea! – and chat about it at our weekly pub meet ups. We need your views and support!

If you can not attend our pub meet ups in Weymouth and you have some comments / ideas about this please email us [email protected]

Pride in Weymouth!
Should Weymouth have a Pride type event in 2019? 

Your views and support are being requested following a recent meeting with key local LGBT people and the Weymouth BID.

It would require not only the local LGBT community to be active in supporting this idea, but also local businesses, hence the BID’s potential involvement. BID is a Business Improvement District scheme, a business-led initiative improving the local trading environment. As well as the BID and Weymouth Gay Group, the Dorset LGBT Equality Network, Closet Bar, a local councillor and a representative of the local transgender community were present.

Pride events happen in many towns now, and many feel Weymouth must not be left out! As well as showing how inclusive a town and its business are, they also can bring in revenue and publicity for the area. Many LGBT people live in or visit the Weymouth area.

Having a high profile local event helps to highlight the LGBT community and reach out to those who may benefit from the many LGBT support and social groups locally.

Alan from The Dorset LGBT Network said “A Pride event also has year-round benefit for the local LGBT community in highlighting community supportive information, such as signposting, raising community visibility, information resources to assist community members when encountering prejudice, and helping the local authority and public services represent our LGBT community’s voice and needs robustly & clearly”

More news about this exciting idea over the coming months as this suggestion develops. If you are a local business interested in support this, please contact Claudia at the BID. Individuals and LGBT community groups can resister their comments and interest through Weymouth Gay Group via email. If you would like to attend a future meeting about this exciting idea, please let us know!

[email protected]
[email protected]

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