David Starkey being David Starkey a complete and utter racist ****.
Douglas James
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Really! Oh dear, please go back to the antiquated box you came from.
He is an appalling man and clearly racist but there is the smallest grain of truth there.
My understanding of genocide is the deliberate attempt to wipe out a race (whatever that might mean).
Slavery, while barbaric and inhuman, had a vested, commercial interest in keeping slaves (or at least potential slaves) alive.
So while I am sure there were instances of genocide associated with slavery, the two evils cannot be directly correlated.
Are you kidding? Damn blacks is not a phrase that anyone cares to hear these days. Plus as a historian you should know that the effects of slavery are still with us 200 years later. People still have to fight to have basic human rights.
You sound like a racist – did you mean to?
Starkey has always comes across as a bit of a prig – hopefully that’s the last we’ll hear from his apoplectic mouth.
Remember that Starkey has been banned from the Question Time on BBC because his racist comments
He is also not a good historian. I’ve seen interviews about the British Royal family where he gets his facts completely wrong.