Prince Andrew and Boris Johnson. Let that sink in for a minute.

As one person commented about Prince Andrew on social media:

“What does he have those medals for, is it the number of underage girls he’s banged.”

And before anyone says ‘ oh but he is a war hero for serving in the Falklands’.

Bear this in mind:

When commenting on Prince William’s proposed deployment to the Falklands as an air sea rescue pilot in 2012, the commander-in-chief of the 1982 Falklands campaign, Admiral Sandy Woodward, said:

“To have a Royal anywhere near the front line is a bloody nuisance for the rest of the front line.

“You have to take extra precautions that he doesn’t get shot down, that his plane doesn’t fail. You maintain it three times as carefully.

“If you have a Royal on board your ship it is the end of your career if he gets so much as a scratch. It’s never said, but it goes without saying.”

As for Boris – he had one job to do and this happened:

And then he puts the wreath down upside down.

And as Uncle Albert summed up for the nation

‘What a couple of wallies’.

Douglas James

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