Weymouth and Portland Transition Towns Public Meeting
‘Socially Useful Banking’
7.30 pm
Thursday 24th January 2013
Community Room 1
Weymouth Community Safety Centre,
Radipole Lane, DT4 0QF
(next to new Fire Station)
Chair: Dr Jonathan Orrell
Using video clips and slides David Smith will argue that the government’s approach to reform is inadequate because it ignores the crucial role of rising levels of debt in causing instability and inequality.
The meeting will then divide into three parallel groups to debate possible solutions:
Brian Heatley will introduce local currencies.
A speaker from Dorchester LETS group will introduce Local Exchange Trading Schemes.
David Smith will outline schemes for reforming banking at a national level which could prevent excessive debt build up, and direct lending in the right direction.
Doors open 7 pm; arrive early to be sure of a seat.
For more information contact David Smith 01305 815965