People in Dorset are being encouraged to speak to their GP about allowing local clinicians access to more of the detail on their medical records.
Around 97% of people in Dorset have a Summary Care Record (SCR) and they are currently used by the majority of GPs across Dorset. Most SCR records currently only show medications, allergies and adverse reactions which helps clinicians make decisions when unplanned care is needed or GP practices are closed.
Opting to allow more detailed information to be available – an enriched Summary Care Record – will provide a wider part of your clinical record to be added to your SCR. Information such as diagnosis, significant medical history, your next of kin or preferences about where you would prefer to be cared for should the need arise. An enriched SCR is especially useful for people with complex or long term conditions or where emergency treatment is required.
To enable clinicians to see this level of information patients only need to speak to their practice and request for it to be switched on. Just ask for your SCR to be enriched.
Local GP Dr Mark Spring “Knowing details of a patient’s medication and allergies is really useful. However, also knowing the reason for the medication and any significant medical history or diagnoses is quite simply invaluable. This is what the SCR can now provide.
In the past, there has been a lack of information to support patients when they receive care away from their GP practice. Patients feel frustrated at being asked to repeatedly provide the same information and often find it difficult to recall this clearly. Sharing information such as patient preferences or plans for future care supports both me and my colleagues to really understand patients, their circumstances and their choices.”
You can change your mind at any time by simply informing your GP practice and either filling in an opt-out form or asking your GP practice to create a basic or enriched Summary Care Record for you.
If you are unsure of the status of your personal SCR please speak to the staff at your GP practice. More information Summary Care Records can be found online.