Temporary free parking in Beaminster


Members of strategy committee have agreed to allow temporary free parking in Yarn Barton Car Park, Beaminster.  Cllr Russell, West Dorset District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environmental Protection and Assets, said: “We are pleased to approve a temporary suspension of short stay charges. Every day I see the pressure that the traffic management system is having on businesses, schools, visitors and other users of the road.”

Cllr Anthony Alford, Ward member for Beaminster, said: “This move underlines our commitment to promote Beaminster as a great place to visit.  We continue to encourage visitors to enjoy its range of independent shops and eateries”

Cllr Peter Barrowcliff, Ward member for Beaminster, said: “We’re pleased to respond quickly to concerns of local businesses. We are showing our support to those who have felt the impact of this burglary attempt and its subsequent disruption on their trade.”


On 18 August 2018 an attempt was made to steal a cashpoint machine in Beaminster. A telehandler was driven into the former bank building which caused substantial structural damage. The area affected has been cordoned off and temporary traffic lights and one way systems have been put in place. Significant work is required to remove the damaged area and effect repairs.

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