The acrobat-musicians of French company Circa Tsuica bring their Big Top to Poole for their latest circus show Now or Never

A collaboration with the Jazz Orchestra at Queen Elizabeth’s School

Hamworthy Park
Friday 6 to Sunday 8 July
Presented by Crying Out Loud as part of Circus250, the nationwide celebration of the 250th anniversary of modern circus

On Monday 2 July, eleven acrobat-musicians from the celebrated French contemporary circus company Circa Tsuica will arrive in Poole’s Hamworthy Park to get ready for their latest show. Now or Never is a collaboration with seven young musicians from the Jazz Orchestra at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Wimborne.

Passers-by can watch as Circa Tsuica erect their red and white Big Top in Hamworthy Park then set up their circus village around it – reinventing circus traditions for the 21st century as they start getting ready for the show.

When the tent opens on Friday 6 July, the audience is invited in for Now or Never, an exhilarating fusion of stunning acrobatics and funky brass rhythms, where acrobats, musicians and audiences all play their part. As the party begins, the performers mingle with the crowd, making and sharing Breton crêpes, before they launch into a feast of music and circus.

The acrobat-musicians fly, fling and swing across the tent on trapezes, tightropes, Cyr wheels, trick bicycles, trampolines and seesaws. All the while, they play their thundering brass rhythms accompanied by seven young musicians from the Jazz Orchestra at Queen Elizabeth’s.

Baptiste Bouquin from Circa Tsuica has already begun to teach the young musicians their role in the show and is coming to Poole for the second workshop on 18 June.

Steve Glover, leader of the Jazz Orchestra at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Wimborne said: “We are delighted to work once more with Circa Tsuica. Ten young musicians aged 13 to 16 have enjoyed their first of two workshops with French musical leader Baptiste and are busy learning the rest of the material prior to his return in June. They are very excited and can’t wait to perform in the big top to a live paying audience this July.”

Rachel Clare, artistic director of producers Crying Out Loud, said: “We are excited to bring you a new circus experience to celebrate Circus250, a special circus anniversary. Combining the joy of French musical-circus with English Brass bands, Now or Never is going to be a memorable event, a chance to experience the best taste of culture from both sides of the channel.”

Now or Never is one of the highlights of Lighthouse Poole’s 40th birthday celebrations. Chief Executive for Lighthouse, Elspeth McBain said: “We’re incredibly excited to be welcoming Circa Tsuica to Poole in this, our 40th year as the UK’s largest regional arts centre. Visitors to the circus can expect something really spectacular – the likes of which have never been seen in Poole before!

The tour of Now or Never is supported by Ambition for Excellence using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

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