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Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeDorset NorthThe Banner of Decency

The Banner of Decency

I have just watched a clip of a Conservative Voter on BBC Question Time berating Paul Mason for offending 11 million British People who voted Conservative. “I find what you say deeply offensive. Many millions of people voted for the Conservatives blah blah, blah”

Oh really?

Let me tell you what is Offensive.

This isn’t about ‘Left vs. Right’, this is about ‘Right vs. Wrong’?

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing that the Conservative Party is deeply corrupt.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing that the people at the top of the Conservative Party are KNOWN criminals.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing that the Conservative Government had systematically attacked, over and over again for 5 years, British Citizens who have the misfortune to be disabled, denigrating them as workshy, as fraudsters, as lazy ne’re-do-well’s, as liars, as benefit cheats, and done this as a prelude to stripping them of the means to live.

That is what is offensive.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that the Tories were assaulting disabled people in our country in the most outrageous and vicious manner.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing they want to privatise the NHS.

1 in 20 babies died before the cord was cut before the NHS and everybody in this country alive today, barring those in their grand dotage, was born and kept healthy by the NHS, and 11 million of you voted for known criminals.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing they were stealing Fire-Fighters Pensions and closing down Fire Stations and cutting back to dangerous levels.

11 million of you voted for that.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing that David Cameron personally took a £100,000 backhander from a Prince of the House of Saud to facilitate further arms deals to a regime that murders women who have been raped. To a regime that habitually tortures innocent people. That murders peaceful teenagers who protest against their TYRANNY and seek DEMOCRACY.

11 million of you voted for that.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing they were daily betraying our Servicemen and women.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing that Homelessness was on the increase as the Tories voted to block a law which demanded that Landlords make their properties fit for human habitation.

11 million of you voted for that.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that they were massively increasing the national debt [it now stands at £1.57 Trillion Pounds Stirling] and that your children will have to repay this debt for the next 40 years.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that they were promoting KNOWN CRIMINALS to the House of Lords.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact the Conservative Party were utterly controlled and owned by the very bankers who destroyed the world’s economy, and indeed allowed these same criminals to give themselves massive bonuses for committing these crimes.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that millions of other British Citizens are struggling to feed their kids.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that Foodbanks have increased in numbers from the low ten’s to the high hundreds, and that the increase of usage in them had for the previous 5 years of Tory misrule, gone up by 19% every year of their dominion.

11 million of you voted for that.

11 million people in this country voted for a Tory Government in 2015 despite knowing for an absolute fact that they aid and abet criminal corporations and individuals to dodge their TAX DUTIES costing this nation billions and billions and endless billions in unpaid taxation.

11 million of you voted for that.

And now once again, in 2016 at the local by-elections, millions of Tory voters continued to vote for Tory Candidates despite knowing for an ABSOLUTE FACT that the Conservative Party have been Rigging Elections and thus destroying what little is left of our Democracy.

Those are the things which are offensive to moral people.

It is offensive that 11 million of you voted Tory despite knowing that these people are criminals, that this Government is nothing more than a Mafia, that’s what’s fucking offensive.

And now suddenly your feelings are hurt when a real journalist implies that you are all a bunch of backstabbing, dishonourable bastards?


I bet the disabled people who have died because YOU VOTED FOR CRIMINALS will really care about your offence?

Oh wait, they can’t can they? Because they are dead!

This isn’t about ‘Left vs. Right’, this is about ‘Right vs. Wrong’!


So when you Tory Voters decide to take up once more, the Banner of Decency, the Banner of Compassion, the Banner of Morality, the Banner of Loyalty to your fellow citizen; and when you decide to oust the criminals who have taken over the Conservative Party and brought it into such disgusting disrepute, then you might have a right to feel offended, but until then shut up – you have earned the enmity of all decent, hard working, moral, and honourable people everywhere,[WHATEVER THEIR POLITICAL PERSUASION].

Finally, I hope I have deeply offended you Tory Voters here, because if I have, if these words have offended you, then perhaps, just perhaps there is still a chance you might return once more to the human family with some semblance of honour and regard for your fellow Citizen…

And if you do, I will look for you on the barricades?

Kanjin Tor

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