‘The BBC have given up their journalistic integrity’


BBC have given up any journalistic integrity they may have laid claim to and, throughout this election campaign, they have repeatedly demonstrated Tory favouritism.


The US-UK Trade & Investment papers had been leaked onto the Reddit site months ago. Nobody challenged them or took them down but as soon as Labour start asking questions, all of a sudden the MSM start to run a story of Russian interference, which of course implies some sort of collusion in some peoples eyes. The framing of the story heavily implies collusion without any hard evidence at all – it’s all ‘we think’ or ‘it’s likely’. The other glaringly obvious bit of journalistic incompetence, which I suspect is entirely deliberate, is

the fact the Tories are implying that this was “a leak”.In other words, they’re implying the Russians leaked official documents. In fact, at no point has anyone, either in the Tory government or the US administration actually denied their authenticity. Right now, the BBC should be grilling the Tory party about this but what do we see – a blatant attempt to shift focus onto Labour.

‘Sickening’ isn’t a strong enough word in my opinion!

Anya Zenn

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