ONLY two people can be Prime Minister: Boris Johnson who has no policies at all other than more austerity and a couple stolen from Labour’s Manifesto. A MANIFESTO WITHOUT ANY COSTINGS, apart from one figure that is different depending on which page you read!!!, A man who has been sacked twice for lying BY HIS OWN PARTY, an adulterer, a man who has the backing of Russian billionaires (the report into which he refuses to publish until AFTER the election. Hmm….why the delay?!) and *actual* fascists, a man who instructed his CONservative Party to vote AGAINST STOPPING PRIVATISATION OF THE NHS on October 23rd this year (the Lib Dems abstained??!!)…

…a man who we KNOW is planning on selling off our NHS-thanks to the aforementioned vote & Dispatches TV programme-to Trump & Corporate America, a man who gave away the address of a journalist to be beaten up, a man who lied to the Queen, a man who doesn’t even know how many children he has!, a man who has lied to his own family, lied to Parliament & illegally shut it down, lies literally every day in any public appearance, a man who was a total disaster as Foreign Secretary, a man chased out of Yorkshire by furious victims of the floods, a man who HAS REMOVED ALL WORKER/ENVIRONMENTAL/CONSUMER/FOOD STANDARD RIGHTS FROM HIS EU BREXIT DEAL & HAS ACCELERATED THE CHANCE OF A NO DEAL BREXIT.

OR, lowest expenses claimer, Gandi Peace Prize winner Jeremy Corbyn who is literally the opposite of all that. Who leads a Party that FORMED THE NHS WHEN THE TORIES & LIBERALS VOTED AGAINST IT’S FORMATION, a Man who will SAVE THE NHS, a man who is passionately anti-austerity, a man who wants to spend OUR money on US-not on Billionaires, illegal devastating wars, tax cuts for multi-national businesses, a man who declared a Climate Emergency, a man who has walked it as he’s talked it his entire life, a man offering HOPE, offering PROGRESSION, offering the things we have lost thanks to decades of them being sold off to whoever will buy. If you voted Leave in the EU Referendum, then Labour is the party for you-we will have a Leave option that protects worker/food/consumer/environmental rights and a Remain option…

…If you are a Remain voter, you can LITERALLY ONLY HAVE A SECOND VOTE IF LABOUR ARE IN POWER; there is no other way of this happening. So, if you care about Brexit/Remaining, if you care about the NHS, if you want to see an end to austerity-LITERALLY, the only way of that happening is to vote Labour on Thursday 12th December.

Labour is the party trying to represent ALL the UK-not just the rich, not just the Remainers, not just the Leavers-ALL the UK. Jeremy Corbyn is the only grown up in the room, and the only one trying or even capable of uniting this country.

Adam Samuels

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