The cover up of the cover up is not going to work


Prime Minister,

We’ve already spotted the attempt. Wind Ms May back and tell her to start again.  The octogenarian Elizabeth Butler-Sloss is NOT acceptable to us as the head of the enquiry into child abuse among Parliamentarians and those who move in their circles.  Her dealings with the “secret” family courts alone are sufficient to make us realise that this is an open attempt at an Establishment whitewash of the whole issue and it is not acceptable.  Add to that the connections that the woman has within the Establishment, being of the Establishment herself, and we can see  where this will go before it even gets underway.

In short, Butler-Sloss = Whitehall BS.

It would be acceptable for the enquiry to be headed up by the people who
have exposed the roots of the sordid goings-on, with police liaison to
the panel that would be thus formed, and those police – as I said in my
last email to your office – made answerable ONLY to No10.  Yourself, in
other words.  The reason for this is the publication of yesterday’s
report, which I quoted in that email, in which Dr Jon Bird informed us
that the calls that his organisation has been receiving have named
“senior police officers” as perpetrators of the vile practice that is
coming under investigation.

Let’s have the investigation begin by ensuring that the police have a
talk with all those who have openly opposed a public enquiry, in order
to determine what it is that they have/wish to hide from public view. 
Let’s also have the friends of Edward Garnier, MP, included in that
invitation so as to determine exactly why they should be “becoming
distressed” by the matter.  And let’s also see the names, including
police officers past and present, who appear on the Elm Guest House
visitor book also brought in for a taped conversation with the police. 
Where those names have moved to other parts of the world with whose
governments we have no extradition treaties, let us see the involvement
of the FBI, whose national government DOES have those treaties.  I’m
sure there will be enough money in the “kitty” to make that happen.

The fact that Cyril Smith was known to abuse children and was connected
strongly with the Elm GH makes it essential that the other names
appearing in that visitors’ book are investigated thoroughly.
Interestingly, it was Ms May’s chosen head of the new enquiry, the same
Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, who closed down the Elm GH investigation.

This Establishment-closing-ranks appointment smacks of the government’s
intention to try again to cover up the wrongdoing of people in high
places.  We do not intend to permit this to happen. It will become an
election issue, and it will be followed closely by those who are
disgusted by the whole affair, no matter how long it takes to produce
the final report.  If we find that it is a whitewash attempt, we will
simply raise the whole history again. And again, and again, until there
is justice for those whose lives have been ruined and even destroyed by
those primitives whose brains seem to be confined to their underwear.


Darren Lynch

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