Here are a few things to remember when you see the rest of the world mocking Tory dweebs like Boris Johnson and Liz Truss for trying to talk tough on Russia:

Russian oligarchs with links to Vladimir Putin have made massive political donations to the Tory party and to dozens of individual Tory MPs, amounting to literally £millions.

Since 2010 the Tories have allowed hundreds of mega-rich Russians to literally buy themselves British passports via the so-called “golden visa” scheme.

Boris Johnson once elicited a £160,000 donation from the wife of Putin’s former finance minister in return for a game of tennis.

A report by the Intelligence and Security Committee found that 14 Tory government ministers had taken money from individuals linked to the Kremlin, and absolutely none of these donations have been returned.

The same ISC report found that the Tory government outright refused to investigate the scale of Russian interference in the 2016 Brexit referendum. It’s hard to say what the level of interference actually was, but it’s undeniable that the Tories refused to look into it.

Thanks to the deluded Tory agenda of privatising UK infrastructure and services (energy, water, transport, communications) Russian companies, including state-owned enterprises, have been able to buy up significant stakes in strategically vital UK assets (along with other the state-owned companies of other nations too like China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Malaysia, UAE …)

The Tory government has been incredibly lax about cracking down on £billions in dodgy Russian money flowing into the City of London, and dramatically inflating UK property prices.

Since the early 2000s Boris Johnson has maintained a close relationship with Evgeny Lebedev, the son of a former Soviet KGB agent. Lebedev ordered hacks at his Evening Standard newspaper to go all out in support of Johnson to become London Mayor, and in return Johnson handed his Russian chum a life peerage in the unelected House of Lords in 2020.

The UK security services have assessed Johnson’s relationship with Lebedev as a national security risk.
So next time you see Johnson and his cronies trying to distract from their own hypocrisy, incompetence, and corruption by resorting to tired old “the Russians are coming” fear-mongering, it’s important to recognise that the Russians are already here.

They’ve bought themselves British passports, and they’re using their wealth to buy influence in the upper echelons of the ruling Tory party, especially influence over our bloviating oaf of a Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Another Angry Voice

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