The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) has been suspended since schools closed to all but key and essential workers’ children and vulnerable children in March 2020. We are campaigning to get it reinstated by September 2020 now that schools are gradually reopening to pupils.
Contact Hannah Cameron McKenna (@hannahrcameron) and Sarah Pritchard (@SarahfPritchard) via Twitter with any questions.
Frequently asked questions:
What is the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme?
The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) is a Government programme that launched in 2004 and is run by the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC). It provides a free piece of fruit or veg to every 4-6 year-old who attends a fully state-funded primary, infant or special school. The SFVS distributes 450 million pieces of fruit a year to 2.3 million children. You can read more about the SFVS here:
What’s happened to the SFVS?
The Scheme was suspended entirely in March 2020 when the schools closed to all but key and essential workers’ children and vulnerable children.
Why does this matter?
For some children, the SFVS fruit and veg may be the first thing they eat that morning or the only piece of fruit and veg they eat all day. Cutting the SFVS impacts the most disadvantaged children the hardest, at a time when we know that children’s nutrition is suffering. A recent piece of research by Northumbria University shows a ‘massive decrease in fruit and vegetable intake’ after lockdown among children who would usually receive free school meals:

Hannah Cameron McKenna with son Marlow (Image: PAUL GILLIS /
What has the Government said about the suspension?
Jo Churchill MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care) said this on 24 June: ‘The Department for Education and schools themselves are ensuring that children who attend school continue to receive healthy and nutritious food at school, as well as making provision to support families usually in receipt of free school meals and whose children are not attending school.’
But the Government says the SFVS has been ‘paused’ or ‘suspended’, so surely it’s coming back in September?
As of 24 June, there has been no assurance from the Department of Health and Social Care that the scheme will restart, at all.
Are you sure it is definitely true that the SFVS has been stopped?
I can’t find anything about it in the news. Yes, it’s true, it’s just that there has been very little press coverage about it so far. The three pieces of media coverage about the stoppage so far are:
The Guardian piece includes a statement from DHSC. We’re working hard to get as much media attention as possible.If you are a parent or carer of a child aged 4-6 years-old who attends a state-funded school, ask your child’s headteacher to confirm whether they are receiving fruit and/or veg at break time at the moment. We know anecdotally that some schools, PTA’s, school caterers and parents are self-funding fruit and veg so no child goes without a healthy snack.
What can I do?
*Complete this survey:
*The Soil Association’ Food for Life programme has picked up on this and wants to hear your views about the suspension of the scheme. The more people who fill out the survey – the better!You can also spread the word to friends, family and schools via word of mouth and social media. Include links to the two press articles so that people can verify the information. Email or tag your MP in social media posts and ask them to find out when the scheme will return. Find out who your local MP is here:Â
Tag influencers on social media who you think might be able to help. Use the hashtag #SFVS.
Is there a petition I can sign and share?
We have written a government petition and are waiting for it to be validated by the Petitions Committee, but this can take a couple of weeks. We’ll share the petition as soon as it’s live.
Who’s running this campaign?
The campaign is being run by Hannah Cameron McKenna and Sarah Pritchard, supported by Feeding Britain, Chefs in Schools, The Soil Association, Bite Back 2030 and Sustain. You can contact Hannah (@hannahrcameron) and Sarah (@SarahfPritchard) via Twitter with any questions.