The Tories want Angela Rayner to apologise for calling the Tories scum. They argue it lead to the murder of David Amess

This is of course utter rubbish. Calling the Tories scum goes back decades and millions of people see them for what they are.


Hate and dishonesty is at the heart of this crony government and their supporters. Angela Rayner shows perceptiveness and calls them ‘Tory scum’ and the establishment corporate media ignore the sociopaths who operate as snides in the shadows (only shadows because the corporate media rarely uphold their democratic responsibilities).

The Tory scum would have to be barking mad to believe anyone else took them seriously. Without the corporate media and social media trolls they would be no where. Nothing! A sack of sh** hanging on a tree in a park.

They shout ‘ghoul’ and we say ‘mirror’.

There is no way this war between left and right is going to be pacified. The country is going to the dogs, being sold off to billionaires and it is only going to get worse.

The Tory scum leader literally talks out of his arse and cares about no one but himself:

And has done since he was a child:

Fake news is now omnipresent:

And who are pulling the strings? The evil empire of corporate criminals destroying everything for filthy lucre.

One solution could be that instead of elections the public regularly rate their MP’s based upon how caring and empathetic their holistic behaviour is towards people and nature.

May be an image of text that says 'Tracey @Bythecoast2 My GP is brilliant, she goes above and beyond what is necessary, always. My MP on the other hand is utterly useless Rather than rating GPs, hospitals and schools, perhaps rate MPs instead, based on their work in their constituency, so people know exactly what they are voting for 10:17 10/14/21 Twitter Web App'

Thus for Angela Rayner to be forced to apologise by these scum would appear to be irrelevant at best and utterly pointless at worst.

The real problem are the Tory scum.

Douglas James

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