If you want a flavour of why our mainstream media journalists, particularly broadcast journalists, as a generalisation, are truly shockingly bad… Allegra Stratton leaves ITV to go and work for the current Chancellor. David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, George Osborne all hired their spin doctors from senior BBC staff. Stratton was at ITV via the BBC. A revolving door between (not just) public broadcasting and the Tories. James Lansdale at the BBC lost out becoming another one due to a fellow BBC colleague getting the government job. One of The Daily Mail’s editors left to join as producer of BBC Radio 4’s flagship ‘Today’ programme previously. John Humphrys left that same programme to write for The Daily Mail. The BBC’s Andrew Neil’s brother a Tory MP, while Neil is chairman of the racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim’The Spectator’ magazine. A magazine whose racist writers regularly appear on the BBC. Kevin Schofield, a darling of the Blairites and mainstream media, has left his job to become a lobbyist for the gambling industry.

Political editor of The S*n, Tom Newton-Dunn published an article targeting left wing journalists, and their locations, information given to him by actual Neo Nazis. No apology when he took it down. Days later there he is on the BBC with his bestie mate and Labour right commentator Ayesha Hazarika; neither the BBC or Hazarika even mentioned it, never mind calling him to account. This is the same Hazarika who called for the purging of brilliant people like Grace Blakeley from The Labour Party live on air. As did Thangam Debbonaire re the brilliant Ash Sarkar. Collectively, almost all are the same people who supported the failed government shutdown procedures widely condemned at the time. Worse, they collectively attacked those who were correct-according to the medical professionals, scientists and history. These are the same collective who have largely ignored the most potentially explosive party political story for decades-the Labour leaks dossier. These people are not worthy of the title of journalist or representative based on their words and actions. This is not how a democracy should work. It is embarrassingly bad, embarrassingly incompetent and/or consciously done…that they try and defend this and call out those exposing these corrupt hypocrisies is why radical change to our media and establishment hierarchies is so desperately needed.

Adam Samuels

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