If you live or work in Weymouth then you can help shape future plans for our area, including housing, businesses and green spaces, by getting involved with the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan.
The plan will develop over the next 2 years through consultation with local people and support from experts in Neighbourhood Planning. It will be directed by a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, comprising people who represent our many different communities, businesses and interest groups in Weymouth and will be approved by Weymouth Town Council and Dorset Council.
In normal times this process would involve face-to-face local community and business meetings, but because of COVID-19 restrictions we are initially focussing on methods which comply with the necessary guidance. We will hold public consultation events across our communities when it is safe to do so. As the plan progresses, we will consult on the vision and policies for our Future. The process concludes with a formal referendum seeking approval from residents for the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan.
This process will run alongside the Dorset Council Local Plan which covers the whole of the Dorset Council Area and will assist in providing a Weymouth input into that plan.
More information is provided on our website and you can get involved by:-
1. completing our survey: • online by visiting our website weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan, or
• contacting us for a paper copy on 01305 239839
2. registering your interest in contributing to the plan by contacting us at the email address below outlining your background, reason for wanting to be involved and what aspects you’d like to contribute to. Email neighbourhood@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk
3. staying informed on the plan, and other Weymouth developments, by subscribing to our newsletter: weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/newsletter/
Cllr David Northam said:
‘This is a great opportunity for Weymouth people to reflect on the wonderful place we are fortunate to live or work in. We want to identify housing developments areas to meet the government’s housing target, where employment developments should be, and what we value in our heritage and natural environment to ensure we have appropriate development for Weymouth’.