Instead of this love in these two should be rotting in cells for war crimes. The fact they are not tells us all we need to know about the rotten regime running this country.

Why are they free?

All you need to know:

Douglas James

Update by Trevor Lewis:

Over 400 MPs across all parties must be charged by the @IntlCrimCourt with



Genocide Human RightsAbuses CrimesAgainstChildren

War crimes and the laws of war

Part 1‬

Part 2‬

Part 3

People’s assembly on Youtube

Which current MPs voted for the Iraq war?

When the House of Commons took a vote son the Iraq war on 18 March 2003, 414 MPs spanning all parties…/current-labour-mps-voted…/amp

Chilcot report questions how legal case for Iraq war was built…/chilcot-report-legal-case-iraq…

The circumstances in which Tony Blair and his Attorney General Lord Goldsmith decided there was a legal basis for taking Britain to war in Iraq were “far from satisfactory”, the Chilcot Report concludes.

Although the Iraq Inquiry did not express a view on whether the war was ultimately illegal, insisting that this question fell outside its remit and could only be resolved by an “internationally recognised court”, its report criticises the way in which a decision of grave national importance was made in an offhand manner and without the proper oversight of Cabinet ministers and Parliament.

“The circumstances in which it was ultimately decided that there was a legal basis

for UK participation were far from satisfactory.

Chilcot Report

The report reveals how just five days before the invasion, Mr Blair’s crucial judgement that Iraq had breached the terms of UN Security Council resolution 1441 – which gave Iraq a final opportunity to disarm or face “serious consequences” – was delivered to Lord Goldsmith in a “perfunctory” note from his private secretary Matthew Rycroft.

The memo, dated 15 March 2003, simply said it was Mr Blair’s “unequivocal view” that Iraq had breached the resolution. Despite this effectively clearing the legal way for the UK to go to war in Iraq, no formal record was made of Mr Blair’s decision and the precise grounds on which it was made remain “unclear”, the report says.

The report notes that there was “no reference” to Mr Blair seeking the views of weapons inspectors before giving his opinion.

“Mr Blair neither requested nor received considered advice addressing the evidence on which he expressed his ‘unequivocal view’,” it added.

A ‘better view’

Only two months earlier, Lord Goldmith had been of the view that a second UN resolution would be required to provide a legal basis for military action.

Mr Blair ordered that this draft advice should not be shared by ministerial colleagues without Number 10’s permission.

Lord Goldsmith later changed his mind on the issue, advising Mr Blair on 13 March he had reached the “better view” that Iraq breaching the terms of UN resolution 1441 would be enough to give any military action a sound legal basis.

Yet when this new position was presented at a Cabinet meeting two days later, none of the ministers who were aware of his earlier legal advice asked for an explanation about why he had changed his mind, the report says.

“There was little appetite to question Lord Goldsmith about his advice, and no substantive discussion of the legal issues was recorded,” it adds.

The report accepted that Cabinet “was not misled” on the issue and that Mr Blair’s private dealings with Lord Goldsmith did not constitute a “side deal”.

But it said his Cabinet “should have been made aware of the legal uncertainties” around the invasion.

Responding to the report’s findings yesterday, Mr Blair said he accepted that he should have presented Lord Goldsmith’s written legal advice to his Cabinet and to Parliament, but insisted that this was “not normal practice” and would not have changed the substance of the advice itself.

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