Police are reviewing a Conservative candidate’s campaign adverts after receiving allegations of electoral fraud.

Robert Largan, who is fighting to retain his High Peak seat, has published a number of campaign materials in the colours of Labour and Reform UK. The graphics also included the phrases “Labour for Largan” and “Reform for Robert”.

In the first social media post, it states: “So many local Labour voters have told me they’re going to vote for me, because they want to keep me as their local MP. There have been so many that I’m launching a new Labour for Largan club.”

The social media post about Reform links to Mr Largan’s campaign page, which says: “Reform supporters right across the High Peak are voting local on Thursday 4th July and backing Robert Largan. Will you?”

Derbyshire Police said: “We wish to confirm that we have received a number of messages in relation to claims of electoral fraud, raised due to concerns around marketing material. An incident has been created and will be reviewed.”

A spokesman for Mr Largan denied he had done anything wrong, stating that all his election leaflets clearly state he is the Tory candidate and comply with electoral law.

“As Mr Largan’s social media posts and website make abundantly clear, large numbers of traditional Labour voters have been contacting him to tell him they plan to vote for him, despite him being a Conservative candidate,” a statement said.

“The same goes for Reform supporters. This is because of Mr Largan’s strong record of delivery in the High Peak. Therefore, supporters’ clubs of traditional Labour and Reform voters have been set up, to allow people to tell Mr Largan that they’re supporting him. These are called Labour for Largan and Reform for Robert. Such supporters’ clubs are not a new phenomenon.”

Mr Largan won the red wall seat of High Peak in 2019 with a slim majority of 590.

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