We lost a son. The country must unite to stop others losing theirs


On 19th August the Altun family, the community of Bournemouth, and the Alevi community of Britain, lost a son. Mehmet Altun, a 13 year old boy tragically overdosed after consuming illegal substances.

We will march this Saturday 28th August, at 12:00 to raise our concerns at Bournemouth Pier.

We aim to raise awareness regarding the dangers of deadly drugs and illegal substances. We are calling on the Dorset Police, local authorities, elected representatives and the community to support us in our fight to tackle the supply of illegal drugs.

Poverty, limited education and social marginalisation remain major factors increasing the risk of drug use disorders. Vulnerable and marginalised groups face barriers to getting treatment services due to discrimination and stigma. The UK Government must urgently invest in social services and public services which will raise awareness on this important issue.

Furthermore, the UK Government must urgently invest in policing and enforcement to ensure community safety and security are protected.

The authorities have immediate questions to answer. How has a 13-year old child come into possession of deadly drugs? What social circumstances led to the supply of these drugs by a 14-year old child? Who supplies these children with deadly substances? This is not a one off event and we continue to hear how drugs detrimentally effect young people all over the country. What will authorities do in the long term to ensure this does not happen again? We demand immediate answers to these questions.

This danger experienced by Mehmet, at the age of 13, can sadly happen to anyone’s child in the UK. We demand urgent measures to be taken and all authorities to do their duty in protecting young people.

We are calling out to children, please stay away from drugs. Resist those who want to give you drugs and immediately inform your parents in every suspicious situation.

A child’s death at any age and from any cause is a profound loss. This is made worse when illegal substances and drugs supply are involved.

Bournemoth Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi
British Alevi Federation

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