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HomeDorset NorthWe Reap What We Sow

We Reap What We Sow

The Extremist organisation known as ‘The Conservative Party’ have taken us so far down the path towards Totalitarianism that they cannot now pull themselves and the country back from the precipice to which they have driven us.

David Cameron, George Osborne, Iain Duncan Smith, and all the rest who have knowingly supported these criminals as they attacked Nurses, Fire-Fighters, The Poor, our Armed Services, Single Mums; and a host of other victims, are complicit in one of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated against the citizens of Great Britain.

To call what David Cameron and his coterie of criminals have done to this nation ‘Treason’ is too lenient, too soft, too forgiving.

The crimes which these monsters have committed, range from ‘selling weapons to mass murderers’ all the way down to good old fashioned ‘Theft’.

But of all the many acts of perfidy that these Criminals have committed, none can be counted as more egregious [within the borders of our own nation] than their vindictive and malicious assault on our ‘Fellow British Citizens’ who happen to suffer from some Disability or other.

We Humans survived the darkness of our prehistory because we had a big brain and, perhaps more importantly, a strong binding force to each other that enabled us to fight off the predators which stalked us throughout the brutal nights.

This is what ‘Society’ is.

It is the unification of individuals who have come together to stave off the darkness through a collective need and desire for safety.

This is a very ‘Human Desire’.

It is also – I might add as an aside, – what has elevated Humans to the top of the evolutionary tree and allowed us to survive throughout history right up until the present.

Logically ergo, we must consider that Cooperation and Sharing in both the risks and rewards, is the key to our continued survival. And that anybody unwilling to enter into this Human desire to cooperate and share must be counted as a different species and dealt with as such.

Hoarding Trillions of Pounds Offshore is not good business – it is Theft.

It is a Criminal Act committed with full understanding of what they are doing which places the company or the individual outside the protection of Society.

Those who refuse to submit to the Duties placed upon them [Tax is called a Duty for a reason] have therefore squandered and abandoned all rights and privileges of our Society. Greed is an act of Betrayal and those who commit such crimes, or enable such crimes are therefore acting against the good interests of the Society, and such an act is ‘Treason.’

But I digress; let us return to the plight of British Citizens who are disabled.

The sheer malevolence shown to those amongst our Society who are Disabled by this Cabal of Criminals in power is breathtaking.

In all my years I have not witnessed anything like the cruelty I now see being perpetrated against them by The Conservative Government.

David Cameron and his ilk are supposed to represent us The People.

Yet it is ‘The People’ that the Conservatives attack, whilst at the same moment enabling hundreds of multinational Companies, to amass ‘Trillions of Pounds Offshore’ whilst they reap the benefits and protections of our Society – yet they contribute not a single penny in Taxes [DUTY] to our Society.

Meanwhile British Disabled Citizens who do contribute to our society, (many who have served in the Armed Forces right up on the front line) are about to lose £30 per week from the disability benefit. This at the same time as Tory MP Geoffrey Cox, the highest earning Member of Parliament in Westminster, pretends that he forgot to declare the £400,000 from his other income, yet did remember to claim off you the Tax Payer WHO DO THEIR DUTY – 49pence for a pint of milk?

George Osborne is a Tax Dodger in charge of HMRC who are tasked with catching Tax Dodgers.

David Cameron is a Tax Dodger.
Iain Duncan Smith is a Tax Dodger.
Jeremy Hunt is a Tax Dodger.
Michael Gove is a Tax Dodger.
And the list of MP Tax Dodgers goes on and on and on and on…

Are there Labour MP’s doing this?


These Power Mad bastards in Government are the people who we have charged with protecting our Society, and as everybody now knows – ‘SOCIETY’ is the unification of individuals who have come together to stave off the darkness through a collective need and desire for safety.

And yet it is ‘The People’ that the Tories attack. They do not go after those who dodge paying their DUTY, instead they enable it…

Those of us who are not disabled have no real idea of the daily challenges somebody suffering from MS, or Cerebral Palsy, or Fibromyalgia, or Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or a host of other illness – go through.

But I doubt any of you wake up each morning and think to yourselves ‘Hmm, how can I rationalize to the Public another way to attack the Disabled, what excuse for my behaviour can I come up with to justify  another assault on the good name, character, and physical well being of a disabled person?’

I bet none of you do that. In fact if you knew somebody personally doing that you would be mortified – But Iain Duncan Smith and David Cameron do this DAILY.

They have been acting against the interests of our SOCIETY [which as everybody knows is – the unification of individuals who have come together to stave off the darkness through a collective need and desire for safety] for over 5 years now.

Planning and plotting the ruination of fellow citizens, deliberately and with malicious intent, seeking out ways to JUSTIFY attacking fellow Citizens.


You are guilty.

YOU – not anybody else – YOU.

Ex-soldiers are suffering because of YOU.
Fire-Fighters are at risk because of YOU.
The NHS mankind’s greatest achievement is being destroyed because of YOU.
Fellow Citizens are suffering because of YOU.

Because you allowed these people who are in no way part of our Society [something they do not believe in] to attack fellow citizens.


Because you are either a racist – a coward – stupid – a bigot – or all of the above.

You have let them use their tactics of divide and conquer rather than stand with your fellow citizen.

I don’t care whether you are white – black – yellow – Gay – Straight – Male – Female – Left – Right – Labour – SNP… if you did not stand against these criminals holding court in Westminster then YOU ARE GUILTY.

Society is the unification of individuals who have come together to stave off the darkness through a collective need and desire for safety.

Abandoning the disabled to the evil of these bastards in Government means you have willingly stepped outside norms of Society and deserve none of its protections or rights. And what is more – you know exactly what YOU have to do to regain your morality.

Whether or not you have the courage to face your complicity I doubt, but we will see.

I said at the beginning of this that “The Extremist organisation known as ‘The Conservative Party’ have taken us so far down the path towards Totalitarianism that they cannot now pull themselves and the country back from the precipice to which they have driven us” and I stand by that.

What will now happen is what happened in Germany in 1932 -1945. Indeed it is almost inevitable.

The far right will eventually come together, UKIP, BNP, EDL, The Tories, and all the other malcontent’s, and after internal power struggles and probably murders, one man will rise to the fore and take control of the political right and create another dystopian nightmare.

This is what happens every time ‘The People’ allow such creatures as these Tories to attack disabled people, to attack Jews, to attack Muslims, to attack refugees, to brand people fleeing terror as Maggots, as a bunch of migrants, to claim we should exterminate Gypsies, to lie, steal, and murder.


The plight of British Disabled Citizens is the true indicator of the state of our Society.  That you refuse to stand up and stop this government attacking them shows your own personal worth.

We are coming to the end of the grand deception, the deception that we live in a Democracy, a Society in which we have come together to stave off the darkness through a collective need and desire for safety. What comes next is your fault.

And as a general rule – I find that we reap that which we sow.

Kanjin Tor

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